They're breaking my heart....

Jul 28, 2013 19:54

It's one thing for a team that isn't very good to lose games. But the Giants are collectively and individually better players than this. They should be playing better ball and they know it. It's heartbreaking to watch them because something is wrong and none of them can figure it out. They all sound so frustrated and upset; they know they're letting each other and the fans down and it wears on them.

I just want to give them all hugs.

Meme Queston 15

15. Timeline of your day

I can't really do a timeline because I don't have a set wake up time.

  • Any time between noon and 4pm, I get up, do morning bathroom stuff, head down stairs and fire up my laptop.
  • Because of the way my morning meds work, I usually eat at least a half hour after I get up, although sometimes I don't bother for a couple of hours.
  • I read my various blogs and so on and either start up a PC game, or more often these days, start poking at whatever I'm writing. During this time I also dick around on the internet.
  • Sometimes I do some sort of housework.
  • I watch the ball game at noon or at 7pm depending on the schedule and during the game I chat with Nancy, write and screw around on the internet.
  • Nancy usually gets home between 10pm and 10:30pm at which point I make dinner or we go out.
  • After dinner it's more computer time
  • Sometime between 1am and 3am, I do my pre-bed bathroom stuff and head to bed
  • I usually read or listen to podfic until I get sleepy, which can be 20 minutes after I take my night time meds or several hours after the meds.
  • Sometime between 4am and 6am, I go to sleep.

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    it's all about me!, sf giants, meme post

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