Well, so that happened....

Jul 27, 2013 01:52

You know how you can only go to a couple Giants games a year? And you know how you have a favorite player-that guy who everyone underestimates all the damn time? That guy you defend again and again? And you know how, at that one of two games you go to a year, he totally and utterly screws up and because of that screw up, you lose the game?


I’m horribly disappointed and also feel incredibly sorry for poor Belt.

I will say that, when faced with the usual bunch of locker room reporters, he manned up and took total responsibility for the error and even for an earlier base running mistake that wasn't exactly a mistake, just incredible bad luck.

Also we had the absolutely highest* seats in the house--on the very top row of seats. We were right behind home plate so we could see the whole field and it was actually really interesting because you could really see how the defense plays each opposing batter a little differently. And it was surprisingly easy to identify the players too. However, behind us was a sort of open screen thing and since this was a late July evening in San Francisco, the wind came howling in and we froze our asses off. I had on three shirts, including a long sleeve turtle neck. On top of that I had my fleece shirt/jacket and I was still really really cold.

In spite of all that...I had a really good time. Sure you get a better view in front of your TV and sure the living room isn't freezing, but still, you're in a stadium with 41,700 or so other fans and there's nothing like it.

*In more ways than one, because there was a pipe going around a couple of rows down.

crossposted from http://telesilla.dreamwidth.org/328646.html |
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