I forgot to tell y'all about something that happened to me over the weekend.
Pay special attention
So, Saturday after fighting, our friends Jack and Karen had invited us to their cabin that they had rented special instead of staying in the free cabins with no heating and bunk beds. I have to say that those two are some really smart folks, they had a fireplace and a kitchen and real beds, I think that next year I shall copy them.
Anyway...as Brack and I drove up to their cabin, some guys staying the cabin across the road from them had blocked off the street. They were tossing some bags at a board or something. They got out of our way, and as we walked up they teased us about the SCA and the funny clothes.
I noticed as I was walking up to the cabin that their plates said "Ohio". I filed that away and while I was standing there in front of the fireplace warming up it hit me. "THEY'RE PLAYING CORNHOLE!!" I shouted.
Of course Brack, Jack and Karen looked at my like I was high. And while I might have been, it wasn't relevant to the conversation. I explained to them about
ghoulchick's rant about cornhole and it's freakish-ness. We all giggled and then went about our way. On our way out I asked the Ohio boys if that was actually cornhole. It was, and they let me play a bit. Hee.
That is all.