Well, I got the bedroom painted, the bedroom ceiling painted and the ceiling fan installed. Installing the fan wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The electrical work was mostly done from the contractor's end, and all I had to do was match colored wire to colored wire.
However, I'm sore as the dickens and Sunday I could barely lift my arms above my head from doing all the over-the-head work on the ceiling.
The room looks good, and I'm still trying to decide what I want to do with the comfortor...as the new color of the room is a greenish grey-brown (think army blanket) the current forest green comfortor doesn't really go worth a flip. So my options are live with it, make a quilt to match, or buy something next month. Of course I could always buy something, then make a quilt when I get time...or live with it and make a quilt when I get time.
In job news, if y'all know anyone who has an MLS and has some experience as a serials/gov doc cataloger that's looking for a job, we have a position open. Further info
here. It's a field that's notoriously thin on applicants, but I can vouch that the environment is nice and the pay is sweet. Plus M'boro ain't all that bad to live in.