Jul 26, 2005 13:12
Sooo...there's a Puppet Angel sitting in my office. Actually, he's perched at the top of my bookcase, staring down at me in all his glowering felt glory. I got tired of him sitting in a box in the closet at home so he re-located here. My boss giggled like a three year old when she saw him.
In other fandom related news...have any of y'all read or gotten the Serenity comics. I got my first one in the mail yesterday, and I'm terrified to read it. Is it just a comic of the movie or is it a different story that goes hand in hand with the movie? I couldn't tell from the first page, and I was afraid to go any further.
Seriously, I'm in mortal terror of getting spoiled for this movie. I feel like there will be only one time that I get to see Serenity for the first time. And I want it to be perfect. I sound like a teenage girl discussing my virginity, but I really mean it. I'm fine that I "gave my flower" (gag!) to an overweight punk geek in the back of a Honda Civic, but for Serenity there will be perfection. A crowded theater, my sweetie by my side, a bag of popcorn, junior mints and a coke. And the crowd will laugh in the right places and gasp when they should and we'll fall in love and ride off into the sunset.
Now I have to go to the bank and cash an old paycheck from UT that apparently I never picked up. It was from 2000 when I was a student worker in the library. How the hell did I forget a paycheck?
Yes, Virginia, I really am that blonde sometimes.