No! Money can't buy knives!

May 03, 2004 21:45

Oh I am soo excited, I have been dying to post about RotK, and the events of Trilogy Tuesday, but with one thing and another, and out of respect for those who have not seen it yet, I had abstained. But no longer. I has now been 4 months, 2 weeks and 2 days since the release in the US, and 2 months, 2 weeks, and 5 days since it hit Japan, and it comes out on DVD in 3 weeks! So if you have not seen it yet, then toughies, I am posting, so if you are not interested in knowing about, stop reading now. I mean it, STOP NOW. That was your last warning!

Date: Sometime in August. News started circulating, that New Line was going to give a showing of the two extended versions, and then Return of the King, back to back to back. Muchas excitment.

Date: September. Rumors confirmed and we started checking the official site everyday for a list of cities.
Still September: City list up. OMAHA (actually omaha suburb Bellevue of all places) is on the list! Muchas Muchas excitement, called the theater and demanded to know when tickets went on sale. NOT TILL OCTOBER!! Almost a month. Ugh.

Date: October 9th. Tickets went on sale today! The sold out in a mere 20 minutes! Many turned away, not us! We got tickets! It's gonna be so long before December 16th. That's right, the 16th, a full day before the offical release!

Date: December 15th. Ugly snowstorm, my little car is slidding so bad. Doom. This can't be, we wanted to spend the night at the theater and be the first ones there in the morning. The stupid van got stuck in the snow, muchas snowy adventures that night. Finally everyone is at Borders, wind howling, snow everywhere. From Borders, we decide it is too dangerous to risk the drive to Bellevue. Slept over at Andrea's, not that sleeping came easliy. But first we needed Diet Coke, so down to the gas station, at 2 am, in the snow, except it is so slick we can't get the car from dead stop to going up the slight incline. Lots of pushing in the snow, car comes, a guy gets out and helps us turn around. Finally we make it too the gas station, excited, with Amy in full costume =) Surprise! The guy at the gas station had seen it yesterday! Wow! So jealous. Back to the house, sleep.

Date: December 16th. Cold, but no longer snowing. Wake up at 7 and get to the theater by 7:45 or so. Second ones in line, well actually the first, but then the guys that were in the parking lot since 9:30 the previous evening (just before the snow) came and claimed the first spot. Second in line, still good. Line sitting rocks! We even made S'mores by candle, just 'cause we could! 12:30, we get to go inside! Yay! It was soo cold. 1 The Fellowship starts, awesome movie experience, in between the movies there was a costume contest, drawings, and all sorts of fun stuff. 10 pm a mere 2 hours before the offical release. The moment we have all been waiting for. The Return of the King! Awesome movie, the audience was great (well of course, it consisted nearly entirely of Tolkien geeks) the end of the movie. Frodo and Sam on Mt. Doom, no one thought it was over, but that stupid black screen just kept sitting there. Whew! Peter didn't let us down. Back to Minas Tirith. Houses of Healing, fades out, okay it can end there, it is not the best place, but it can end there. NO! Peter did it again. The crowning, Awen is there, the audience cheers! Good ending, not great, but good. Peter, cut it out! The Grey Havens, they say goodbye, there isn't a dry eye anywhere. Fade out, okay Peter, work you're magic, you can't do this, just two more minutes you could have ended it perfectly, just like the book! Peter! Whew! Perfect ending, he did it, he made it. AWESOME MOVIE!!!

Okay, that is long enough I guess I shall just have to post my thoughts on the movie later.

The Elvish Ringbearer

PS The subject line does tie in, try to guess how. ANDREA, you are not allowed, you know already!

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