All the news is stupid.

Jan 10, 2008 01:40

FoxNews takes a lot of guff for being the retard source for news, but seriously, lets not forget that CNN has been at it for like decades. And Fox has Jane Skinner, so there's that(I want to marry Jane Skinner and give her my babies - Ed.) But then I gotta see this in my browser:

Not just a bomb. A homicide bomb. Not a bomb of kittens and confetti and little party hats. This is a bomb of negative intent and a flagrant disregard for your safety. Dear Fox, the default state of a bomb is "homicidal." While it can be upgraded with more specific modifiers such as "suicide" or "smart," in the absence of such, the objective of such a device can be safely and correctly assumed to be generally homicidal activity. Or have we reached a point in this particular *ahem* region where the delivery of such a device in a manner outside of a stylish fashion accessory/impromptu funeral attire is novel enough to need clarification?
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