Small Things

Jul 13, 2007 16:13

>>>>> So today at work I am fixing one of the self-service machines while some rather sluttily dressed but a bit plainfaced girl uses the one next to me. She's wearing a very tiny black skirt and a complicated red top that leaves a lot of flesh exposed. So she squats down to the little tray to retrieve her pictures as they spit out and as I come around from the back of the machine, also squatting, blammo: fourteen year old boob, complete with all accessories. It's just sort of hanging there, bra-less. It's not just my enormous ego that makes me think maybe it was purposeful. Sorry, somehow you printing out pictures of you and your friends from high school up the road is a dealbreaker.
This is the same machine that sort of fucked up the other day and after I fixed it(with the lady who was using it standing there,) I am squatting down checking the printer and photos that were in the buffer drop into my hand and oh look, it's someone stuffing their pudgy twat with cheap sex toys. I am just sort of frozen there as more and more of these god awful pictures fall out trying to think of a way to discuss this with the woman a foot away standing over me when she lets me off the hook with a, "Uhh, those aren't mine, mine were some graduation pictures with the cap and gown, etc."
"No, ma'am, definitely no cap and gown here."
Thankfully hers came out after the myspace angled fat girl porn. Those went straight into the shredder.

>>>>> My cat will invariably select a basketfull of clean laundry to sleep in as opposed to next to me on the bed. How insulting :\

>>>>> I have to go to a CD release partyish thing tomorrow for some band I don't know anything about. I am trying to decide if it's bad form to wear another band's t-shirt to the gig, and if not, which one should I sport for the occasion? The things we do for GIRLS.
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