Splendoro City App [When I stop being lazy fff]

Oct 24, 2010 18:43

Player Information:
Name: Kuki
Journal: munchiemunch123
Method of Contact: tehkukikookie @ AIM
Previous characters: None here

Character Information:
Full Name: Mako
Series: Original Character
Canon point:
Age: Three, but she was made to appear in her mid twenties
Species: Cyborg
Appearance/PB: Aibu Saki
Appearance upon arrival: Mako is a female cyborg designed to look of Asian descent. Her thin body stands at a meager 5'2", but weighs in at about 300 pounds. She is very sensitive about her weight because her sister actually happens to weigh only 250 due to the lack of her emotional processing unit. She has chocolate colored medium length hair that is either worn straight down or in a ponytail. Around her neck is a thick metal chain with a star tag on it. It has scratches and is a bit charred from Mako’s many attempts to remove it. Her serial number is 87439 and it branded on her right hip.

Previous RP memories: None
Bringing someone along?: Nope
Character History: Mako is one in a set of cyborg twins called Jeno, named in honor of their master. They were both created as means of protection for the head of the top organized crime group in the world. When rival groups had become increasingly violent, Jeno felt that his life was in danger. He needed to run his system, that being a combination of assassins and thieves, for as long as possible. Preferably in his own home and under the protection of two indestructible armed cyborgs that would take a bullet for him if ever needed.

Mako’s story actually begins before there were even blueprints for her and her sister. It begins in the year 3xxx in a small city in Japan. In that small city, there was crime almost nonstop. From simple things like stealing to things like organized crime, this town really had it all. Jeno was at the head of one of the largest organized crime groups in the entire country. Danger was something the man was used to, but that doesn’t mean that it was something that he really wanted to face every minute of his life. He received many a death threat and attempted hit, the man needed some form of protection.

He needed someone that was hard to kill, someone that wasn’t a human.

Jeno sent his request to a lab just one city over. He had placed an order for one all powerful cyborg with a mind to kill and a heart to offer him a bit of company. Now, though the technology was extremely advanced, it was not yet possible to bring together such clashing emotions. The only solution would be to create two. These two are known as Mako and Naoko.

Mako was ‘born’ second and was immediately placed into a holding center for trial. She showed no glitches just like her sister. She could kill on command and all of her emotional adapters seemed to be spot on with what Jeno had requested. While she was in holding for her trial run, she was socialized with humans and other robots alike. They spoke to her, played with her, and told her stories. The most important thing that they did was tell her one simple phrase: "You are perfection." One may have heard that saying that says something along the lines of 'if someone tells you something enough, you will believe it.' And believe it she did. From that moment on, she thought she was superior to all other than her master and her sister, who she was programmed to respect. They were released to their master and put on duty straight away. Mako was kept in the living room and Naoko sat peacefully outside waiting for any living things that she could kill.

Jeno asks and Mako gives. That’s how every day went for the next year and a half. She learned how to act like a human to keep Jeno's secret. She learned to lie to keep Jeno's secret. Everything she did was to make the man proud of her so instant gratification was something she was used to. That's really what began her generosity with candy.

Then one fateful day, Jeno’s home was finally attacked by a rival gang. Naoko was one cyborg against a swarm of large men so she was disabled quite quickly. With his main line of defense gone, Jeno really had nothing to do but pull out his gun and start shooting. One man and one robot against at least twenty men? The crime boss just shot that gun frantically, spraying bullets all over the room. The one thing he didn’t seem to remember was Mako. A stray bullet happened to go right through her head into her processor. It broke a few nodes, but no other serious damage was caused. Battle bots had human-like skin, with a tough iridium cores. Iridium had become much more widely distributed when scientists found a way to manufacture it.

Jeno was eventually shot point blank in the noggin and fell to his knees in a pool of his own blood and a bit of Mako’s oil. This really would have been a major turning point in the average human’s life, though Mako isn’t all too familiar with the concept of death. She just stared at her master. She stared at him for days, asking the same question over and over. “Master, do you want your bed?” The corpse rotted and shriveled, Mako still at his side bringing him food and candy. She really did think that he abandoned her for a nice long nap. After an entire month of this, she began apologizing for not being able to do anything to those “bad bad men.” She picked him up, blood dripping about her body, and placed him in his bed. Mako really didn't know what to think at this point since she had never experience losing someone without being able to revive them with a simple bolt to the battery. She considered doing that, though she knew that humans aren't too fond of electricity. She's seen Jeno get a little static shock every time she happened to forget the fabric softener sheet.

He was asleep. He had to be asleep. Running a hand through his cold hair, Mako made her way to Naoko's post. She poked her fallen sister, and after no response, Mako dragged her inside next to Jeno's bed. Mako knew what to do, at least she was supposed to know what to do. She was made to comfort and to do whatever Jeno asked. Would he want to be awoken? Maybe he's just passed out again from those funny pills. Yeah, that was it. Mako kept that thought in the back of her mind as she revived her sister, a skill that she'd learned for emergency situations.

When her sister's eyes flashed open, a warm hum coming from her chest, Mako pointed to Geno. Of course, Naoko flat out said that he was dead. She was the smart one, the one that was meant to be cunning, cold, and technical. Mako wouldn't accept this, however. Still forcing out her excuses of him being asleep or just over-drugged. Mako had no plans of letting her master leave her.

So there she sat, day in and day out. She kept a careful eye on his chest and focused her hearing on his mouth, just in case he were to give a quiet command. Naoko, however, kept to herself. Obviously, she was torn between telling 'her idiot' that Jeno had kicked the bucket and just letting the girl be. She decided against it only to save Mako the heart break.

The body began to rot, the skeleton becoming visible. Mako finally decided to glance away after the second week of staring at the man. She knew what those white things were, she knew what they did. She also knew that it was a very very bad thing if they ever became visible.

A blanket fell over the man's body, Mako as cheerful as ever having solved her problem. He'd be okay, she knew he'd be okay. As long as those white things weren't visible, he'd be comfortable and warm. Sadly, her sister had left just a few days ago, not able to take anymore of this bullshit. Her excuse? "We need food." and she was gone. Here's a spoiler: neither of them need food or even has the capability of tasting it.

So there she sat, alone save for the flies, maggots, and that corpse. She wasn't going to loose her companion, master, and her best friend.

Mako really only has those things that she was programmed to do, such as ‘listen’ to others and just be a generally happy robot. Everything else comes from her many glitches. Mako thinks that she is the epitome of perfection and anyone that doesn’t fall into her category of excellence must be punished. Read: Killed. Her default emotion is bubbly and just ecstatic because she was programmed to think that everything is just the best. She’s quick to lie behind the backs of others as well as straight to the face of another. She’d never tell someone that she was just involved in a murder because she wants to keep up her cute image.

The easiest way to make Mako happy is to agree with everything that she says. She proclaims that water is made from peanuts; it only could have come from the best peanuts. Lie to her, she really can’t tell and it will make the girl happy. If one doesn’t agree with her, that really doesn’t mean that she’s wrong, it just means that they are clearly an idiot. Another less than safe way to put a nice big smile on the girl’s face is to agree to let her do a few 'repairs.' Though very painful, removing the lips of someone that curses or cutting the tails off of humans is clearly the only way to fix them.

One might actually think that Mako is overflowing with confidence. She really isn't. Mako speaks her mind, she's a compulsive liar, but if she thinks that she might have done something wrong, expect some candy. She's a very proud robot so receiving an apology from her really should be an honor. She has a stash of hard candies in her pocket at all times for impromptu apologies that she thinks are worthy. Murder? Not good enough. Disemboweling? Not worthy at all. Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time? That is the last thing that Mako would ever want to do. She was programmed to comfort with her words. Saying that someone is broken because they curse all the time is much different than her telling someone that they talk funny. Her mind is a very interesting thing with it's own little laws that may or may not make sense to others.

The most important thing to know about Mako is that she was made to be both a companion and a >servant. The want to kill truly is a glitch from a mix up in her and her sister's processors. The Laws of Robotics was deemed impractical just a few years back, so she acts completely on her own thoughts, at least after Jeno and Naoko's. However, there is a variant that is taught to the cyborgs since it is really unethical to force something other than what they were programmed to do  upon an object that acts so much like a human.

Now for those laws. What has been changed will be in blue. How it relates to Mako will be italicized.

1. A robot may not injure a human being without the robot having a legitimate reason, so long as it does not interfere with it's programming. Mako's only reason to kill is to protect the two most important people in her life and to fix those that don't really match up to her in perfection.
2. A robot has the right to choose whether or not to obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law or it's programming or the first law. New thoughts on cyborgs and how human-like they are has really made it unethical to force them to do anything.
3. A robot must protect its own existence at all costs so long as it does not interfere with it's programming or either of the other laws. Mako will, literally, do anything to keep herself alive as long as it doesn't get her sister or her master killed.

Mako is blissfully ignorant to the concept of death. Though this should be expected due to the fact that she was taken straight from the lab to her home, with only the knowledge that was programmed into her.

Character Abilities: Being designed to live to please and to be a companion, Mako’s main skills are to listen and to comfort. However, the thing is that she was designed to do these things; she was not designed to actually care. Mako cannot taste or smell and may describe flavors as feelings. (A gummy bear would be ‘squishy’ and ‘sticky’ as opposed to ‘sweet’ and ‘fruity.’)She is a compulsive liar and is actually pretty good at it. Lastly, she has the basic cyborg abilities such as super strength and super speed. Her most important ability would be her ability to find a single master and submit to them. It's just what she was created to do and it's really the only way Mako will allow someone to make her feel inferior.
Possessions: The clothes on her back, her identification tag, and a good sized pouch of small candies.
Anything else: Nope

Action/Communication thread/post sample:
[The room is unfamiliar yet comforting. Compared to the last place she was in. Mako’s eyes open and immediately begin to scan the room. Clean, pleasant, soft, and no blood. Thank the gods.]

Naoko? M-master…?

[She stands and makes her way to the window only to find that she is completely surrounded in water. Naoko always told her to stay away from water.]

S-someone? Help me! [She picks up the communicator and turns it on. She may not be the smartest cyborg, but she is still pretty damn smart.]

If someone can tell me where I am, I-I’ll give you some candy….? I have lots.

Log/Prose sample:
Before Jeno even left her arms, she was now in an entirely new room. Here she stands with her arms outstretched as if that dead weight is still in her grasp. Moving isn’t really on the top of her list of commands right this minute so she takes the liberty of scanning the room with her ‘visual navigators’, or eyes as a human from 20xx would call them.

It’s safe as far as she can tell so she drops her arms, and then plops upon the bed. It squeaks in protest when all three hundred pounds of robot girl hit just the corner. Good thing that it’s bolted down, or else that mattress would have been flung into that wall Mako’s staring at.

Her long fingers grip the frame of the bed, digging small holes into it, as she looked around the room for a phone of sorts. Though seeing the obsolete technology of this room, there is no way that she would even be able to use whatever was available.

It was probably made back when plasma screen televisions were all the rage. Her type of phone lets her see, send actual object to, and locate the receiver of the call. All that texting stuff was ruled outdated centuries ago.

Mako’s hand crept over to a small metallic box sitting on what she assumed was her nightstand. She had a small moment of inner bliss since she has really never had anything to her name in her life. She gripped it hard, testing its durability, then outright shook the damn thing.

Nothing. No booby traps, to disabling bolts, nothing.

She examined it for a brief moment then began typing in a message as if she’d been doing it all of her life. She’s a quick learner, but it really only applies to things that are simple. Elementary is her level.

Naoko, Master. I’m lost. Help. I’m in need of assistance.
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