Return to Khazad-dum by Scribe of Erebor

Dec 11, 2015 19:05

Title: The Legend of Durin II - Return to Khazad-dum
Author: Scribe of Erebor

Fandom:The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings crossover
Genre: Drama/Hurt/Comfort
Rating: Mature, for violence.

Short summary: Fourteen years after the War of the Ring, Erebor is at peace under the able rule of its princes (Fíli & Kíli), and Thorin Oakenshield, Lord Durin Returned, prepares to retake the ancient kingdom of Moria, but there are fouler things than orcs and goblins waiting in the dark.

Story linked to the story title. Posted to FanFiction.Net.

Why do I recommend it?
This is probably the most thorough take on canon-compliant Dwarf culture I've ever read. Not for the faint of the heart, for sure, and some of the OCs (like the wives of Fíli & Kíli) aren't really convincing, not for me, but the story in itself is amazing, the depiction of the canon characters is spot-on, and the theories about Dwarven history are innovative and highly imaginative.

46 chapters, fairly dark at times, but well worth the effort and with a (relatively) happy end, so - if you are into Dwarves, go and read it.

I do have some problems with the developing of this particular take, though.
The first one is that the author has obviously bought into the modern snobbery of calling Dwarves Dwarrow. Yes, I know Tolkien originally planned to use that antiquated plural form, but in the end he decided against it, and I do find it pretentious that nowadays everyone wants to be more Tolkien-correct than the Professor himself.

The second one is the steadily growing influence of the films, especially the Thranduil bashing. It cheapens the whole series, brings it further and further from the spirit of Tolkien, while seemingly staying true to its letter. That part makes me very, very disappointed.

My third problem is that if someone goes such lengths to remain true to canon, should get the names of the main players right. It is Ilúvatar and not Illuvatar, and the singular of Valar is Vala. Yes, it is a small thing, but it gives me a toothache every time I see these particular misspellings.

There is a currently ongoing 3rd part of the series titled The Book of Durin, which, quite frankly, isn't my cup of tea. Still, it might be interesting to read, for the sake of completeness.

hobbit, lord of the rings, crossovers

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