JUST FYI....only TRUE friends will read ALL of this.....make sure u tell me u've read ALL of this....if so....U'll KNOW ALL about me....this is what touches my heart MOST of all....and my inability to tell short stories....
my thing for detail....has prohibited me from telling short stories....this is why...i am who i am because....
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=64083134&ifid=64083134&indicate=2 TELEKANEESIS: HAHAHA
TELEKANEESIS: thats waht made me giggle
JettaJai: what your momma
JettaJai: leave your momma some piccomments
TELEKANEESIS: u add that biotch?
TELEKANEESIS: she got 7 friends...thats lame
JettaJai: no
TELEKANEESIS: i hooked her up wth the page
JettaJai: awwww she put a pic of you up
JettaJai: did SHE...not did IT
TELEKANEESIS: i take all of my anger out on her
TELEKANEESIS: because she made some descisions really wrong
TELEKANEESIS: but....i do think i am good person and i owe a lot of that to her
JettaJai: yeah
TELEKANEESIS: i just need her to prove herslef and make it in life....
TELEKANEESIS: now that she doesnt have me to worry about....i hope to inspire her to do SOMETHING
TELEKANEESIS: i take after her a lot......with a lot of minimum talent and things.....
TELEKANEESIS: but.....a lot meaning that she can def be good at many things.....
TELEKANEESIS: well rounded i guess is what im looking for
JettaJai: awww
JettaJai: thats so sweet greggy
JettaJai: is "Song for momma" on shuffle now or something
TELEKANEESIS: actually no
TELEKANEESIS: MAMA...by the spice girls played earlier in the shower
JettaJai: oh ok
TELEKANEESIS: there's a lot of shit that happened.....in the past.... but i ALWAYS have known that it was just my mom in a rut....and had the influence of others who had an "easy fix"
JettaJai: yeah
TELEKANEESIS: but....i did have FIST fights with my mom....
JettaJai: damn bro
TELEKANEESIS: so...that doesnt help
TELEKANEESIS: my appearance of her
TELEKANEESIS: and they were always so dumb
JettaJai: yeah
TELEKANEESIS: like....why i put the dirrty clothes on the floor with the clean clothes when i was with my cousin and the foster child(which the cousin was dating) just because my mom wanted to help and be "cool"
JettaJai: huh???
TELEKANEESIS: or why....i forgot the papers to take a test (which i wasnt ready for because of all the stress i was under) to get into a high school
TELEKANEESIS: which was a mistake....truly
TELEKANEESIS: well....u want the whole story?
TELEKANEESIS: or at least...the shortes i can get with a story?
JettaJai: sure
TELEKANEESIS: mom dont want son with barbies
JettaJai: yeah
TELEKANEESIS: dad has trash bag FULL of barbies for his only child...which is what he wanted
TELEKANEESIS: mom gets pissed at dad for it
TELEKANEESIS: dad tells son keep it hush
JettaJai: damn
TELEKANEESIS: son only stays around on weekends so he sneaks them home for time away fron police dad
TELEKANEESIS: mom finds out son plays with her doll house
TELEKANEESIS: after a long time
TELEKANEESIS: mom makes it seem alright
TELEKANEESIS: son shows some of the dolls he had taken from the place with dad
TELEKANEESIS: (fyi one was a scary spice doll given from the bf of dad, unknown @ the time)
TELEKANEESIS: mom says its kewl
TELEKANEESIS: tells dad, apparently very madly
TELEKANEESIS: dad gets pissed, son lies
TELEKANEESIS: dad throws EVERYTHING AWAY given to son (doll wise) in front of sun
TELEKANEESIS: son says he doesnt like dad
TELEKANEESIS: dad says that son doesnt want to see any family on his side (including fav aunt juani who was there ALWAYS since birth)
TELEKANEESIS: confronted by grandma about it....felt like shit
TELEKANEESIS: dad not talking to son, shown by mother letting son call dad to see for himself
TELEKANEESIS: later asking son to let her take father for child support
TELEKANEESIS: son saying sure
TELEKANEESIS: son forgetting a LOT of the after math
TELEKANEESIS: not knowing about all of the court stuff
TELEKANEESIS: father moving out of his apartment across the street from prospect park ( second to new yorks central park)
TELEKANEESIS: dad moving to nc without son knowing
TELEKANEESIS: only making phone calls on bdays
TELEKANEESIS: through family
TELEKANEESIS: son figuring out about mothers skeems
TELEKANEESIS: (buying clothes for herself more than paying for son and his growing)
TELEKANEESIS: son wanting to move with daddy never knowing where exactly daddy is
TELEKANEESIS: failing school from junior high school classes that are meant for the highest of all high students
TELEKANEESIS: learning algebra in 8th grade
TELEKANEESIS: which we'd be tested for to get into high school which we had to test for to get into
TELEKANEESIS: (worst than getting into college here in NC)
JettaJai: yeah
TELEKANEESIS: greg loses form at grandmas...after not being allowed to going out for my BDAY with my fav aunt because my room wasnt clean
TELEKANEESIS: by complete and total accident
TELEKANEESIS: not able to take test
TELEKANEESIS: not able to go to high school......not able to go to the one he chooses because of mother
TELEKANEESIS: has fight with mother because of it (third fist fight)
TELEKANEESIS: she wants to know whats wrong with me...i finally tell her why ( " i want to be with my father" )
JettaJai: OK hold on, Little People Big world is on
TELEKANEESIS: she doesnt like it
JettaJai: sorry back to the story
TELEKANEESIS: she sits on me
TELEKANEESIS: i dont care....i'll talk about it just to get it off my chest...lol.....just so u'd know
TELEKANEESIS: (best friend status)
TELEKANEESIS: (just for reading the long ass story)
JettaJai: lol ok
JettaJai: but continue
JettaJai: moms sitting on son
TELEKANEESIS: moms sitting on son....NO UNDERWEAR MIGHT I ADD cause its early morning, she isnt dressed and wondering why i hadnt gone to the test taking
TELEKANEESIS: even after ruben (best friend nyc) called
TELEKANEESIS: i finally push the bitch off...she hits radiator
TELEKANEESIS: i get phone...call the cops....
TELEKANEESIS: she hangs up....i hit her on the head with phone
TELEKANEESIS: finally get to run out
TELEKANEESIS: she calls cops on her own
TELEKANEESIS: runs after me...i throw glass on the floor after my path
TELEKANEESIS: get to the living room....
TELEKANEESIS: (i cant remember the rest)
TELEKANEESIS: i remember me in my room...my cousin, having gone through the same problems with his mother because he's the youngest of three (the baby)
TELEKANEESIS: coming and saying sup....him always talking about running away...me always saying no....
TELEKANEESIS: now....im saying im running away....him saying ok
TELEKANEESIS: my nana and my aunt coming in my room to talk to me and hope that im ok....calming me down
TELEKANEESIS: my nana says to clean my room
TELEKANEESIS: i take my dolls....my sweaters and a pair of underwear and jeans in my goosebumps bookbag my father bought for me from school and its schoolastics book crap
TELEKANEESIS: (that i still have)
JettaJai: GREG
dolls and goosebumps
JettaJai: imma pick on you later
JettaJai: after your break down you got it commin
TELEKANEESIS: i take my dolls left over and put them in the bag also....take my bag and put it in a garbage bag...put the garbage bag in the trash can....
TELEKANEESIS: walk pass the living room which is next to the apartment door while i overhear my mother talk to my aunt and nana about how she beat the shit out of me and bruise me and cut up my lip from our fight
TELEKANEESIS: my nana asks me where im going...i say "taking the trash to the cenerator"
TELEKANEESIS: she says "ok" i go out.... takes the trash bag out of the can....sits the can at the cenerator...takes the bag and run down the 3 flights of project stairs...
JettaJai: damn
TELEKANEESIS: i run into the project people....all knowing who i am and shit....seeing me with a trash bag....
TELEKANEESIS: i run to the corner and takes the bookbag out...knowing that the only way i know how to get to my grandmas is from the bus
TELEKANEESIS: but that my uncle has taken me with the trains before.....and that it was my only way since my mom KNEW i only knew threw the bus
TELEKANEESIS: the bus also takes TOOOO long