Thank you in advance for writing something especially for me! I've tried to keep things as open as possible while still giving you prompts that might lead to chewy goodness, but if you have an idea for a fic that you've been burning to write, please ignore all my suggestions and write that instead. As long as you avoid my don'ts, I prefer to get a fic that someone enjoyed writing to something where they had to backbend to please some random suggestion of mine.
*** 1. Oglaf
One of my perennial requests. You can never have too much Oglaf. I like things written in the tone of the comic, and I love love love Greir and the Snow Queen.
I love the smut and humor and the threads of plot running through it. I like how queer it is, how women are responsible for their sexuality, and how likeable the bad guys are. I like the crush the Xoan ambassador has on Ivan, and I _adore_ the crush the Snow Queen has on the Mercenary. She’s just so adorable, and while I don’t think the Mercenary has a soft spot, just maaaaaybe there’s a heart of gold in there somewhere? If she hasn’t sold it for beer and smokes money?
Favorite Character(s): Snow Queen, Grier the Mercenary, Vanka the Thief, Sandoval the Xoan Ambassador, The Mistress, Ivan, Navaan the Vampire Assassin, but please feel free to include any of the characters that you are inclined to write.
Favorite Pairing(s): Snow Queen/Grier the Mercenary
Favorite Genre(s): Romance/smut
Ratings: R to NR
Please No: non-con
Optional Details: If you do the Snow Queen and Grier the Mercenary, they don't have to be together permanently (it seems unlikely), but I'd prefer there to be some kind of emotional element.
EXTREMELY OPTIONAL: I made a joke recently that a D&D game played in the Oglaf setting would be hi-larious. If you're so inclined, I would love a meta-fic that played with this idea, either with players making new characters to explore the Oglaf world and getting into hijinks, or else the behind-the-scenes of the players of some of our favorite characters like Grier, Vanka, The Snow Queen, etc.
2. 髑髏城の七人 | Dokuro-Jo no Shichinin | Seven Souls in Skull Castle
When my friends saw this in the theater and got to the scene where[Spoiler (click to open)] Tenmao feeds Ranbei/Ranmaru the drugged blood of Nobunaga by KISSING HIM WITH A MOUTHFUL OF IT , my friends apparently immediately turned to each other and said, "Kitsunealyc needs to see this."
They were right. I love so much about this movie, but the shippy, screwed up, vaguely mind-dominatey relationship between Tenmao and Ranbei/Ranmaru (and Sutenosuke's feelings of betrayal) is one of my favorite aspects. I'd love any fic that explores that, either in its origins when they were all three loyal samurai in service to Nobunaga, or missing scenes between Tenmao and Ranmaru in the castle, or after Sutenosuke shows up and gets his own dose of mind control drugs. This can be simple comrades-in-arms/comrades-betrayed stuff, or you can get as shippy as you want. Over-the-top in the same vein as the movie is encouraged!
Don'ts exception: This is one of those places where I'm ok with the canonical dubcon aspect of the drugged blood snapping Ranmaru's resistance, so feel free to explore the mind controlly/dominance aspects of that.
3. Lucifer
What can I say, I'm a sucker for Angel/Devil romances that include the angel getting just a bit sullied and the devil getting just a bit redeemed (think Aziraphale/Crowley from Good Omens or the brief flashes of Castiel/Meg from Supernatural)
Favorite Character(s): Lucifer, Amenadiel
Favorite Pairing(s): Lucifer/Amenadiel
Favorite Genre(s): Romance/smut
Ratings: PG to NR
Please No: non-con, but a bit of consensual violence is just peachy
Optional Details: You can just do something shippy if you want, but if you're yearning to write plot, maybe take an event from an Abrahamic tradition and show them at odds or having to team up during it, or some future miracle/apocalyptic event that they have to deal with. Basically, something that they can have a bit of ideological conflict over before teaming up and/or hooking up.
EXTREMELY OPTIONAL: If you have any yearning to write crossover with Supernatural, Good Omens, or The Sandman, please feel free. My main request in such a situation would be that the tone/focus remain on Amenadiel and Lucifer.
As for more general notes:
Things That Are my Crack: [Note: revised from original letter] Relationship development seamlessly woven into plot. I love plot on its own and I love romance on its own, but I feel like they both elevate each other when they progress together. A romance that develops between two (or more) well-rounded individuals who have to come together and overcome their differences to achieve a mutual goal is... pretty much the best ever.
Also, queer everything.
Things That Are Yay: Shippyness! Banter! Plot! (Casefic, etc. If you have the time and energy -- I know it can be a lot of work.) Fic that could fit into canon. Drama, up to and including aaaaaangst. Witty humour, especially if it's used as the jab to set up the dramatic roundhouse that follows. Porn, especially if the characters remain recognizably themselves during the sex (I am a sucker for important character conversations/development and/or banter happening during sex). Verbal power games with consensual physical interactions/sex.
Things That Are A-okay: violence, up to a point (see below). Non-explicit sex. AUs of the "what if this event went differently?" sort. Inclusion of nominated characters I didn't request. Inclusion of canonical characters who haven't been nominated. Original characters as needed for the story. Most povs, tenses, narrative formats, etc.
Things That Are Meh: straight-up character introspection. Nonfiction-style worldbuilding. Second person pov without a really good reason.
Things That Are Nay: radical AUs like coffee shop, genderswaps (unless specifically requested), mpreg, a/b/o, etc. "Five Things"-type stories. Domestic or slice-of-life fics where nothing happens. Requested characters having only a cameo in the story, unless otherwise specified in the prompt. Gross-out humour or silliness. Non-Con and Dub-Con. Humiliation. Characters being flat-out stupid. Character bashing. Torture porn, especially with female victims. Women being sidelined in general.
I'm kitsunealyc on AO3, so feel free to look at what I've got there if you need more data on what I like. And above all: have fun!