Nov 10, 2009 19:40
Meh, noticed another toe swelling and blistering after work, so went to the hospital on Friday to have it checked out, ended up stuck there until Monday afternoon having to get IV antibiotics.
Got out Monday afternoon, and went to visit my mom for a bit. Went to supper and headed back home, but on the way my alternator quit on the car, managed to make it about 25 miles from home before the battery became to low too see anymore, so I stopped at a gas station and did some banging on the alternator, and it started working again, so I managed to make it last until I got home, but now I can't can't get it to fire up anymore, so I'm gonna have to pull it out and get new brushes for it.
Working again at least, been really nice out so outside work is a pleasure to do again.