Jul 12, 2006 00:58
ahhhhhhhhhhh everything is so tiring lately
i've been such a grandma and knocking out at like 11:00
today the headlight completely fell off of my car, ridiculous. we've spent like $500+ every month on repairs for it so my mom and i decided to buy a new car. i'm paying for the down payment and 1/2 of the monthly payments so don't give me shit and call me a spoiled brat. oooh but it will be so nice to have a/c and CUP HOLDERS!!
adrian ripped out my hoop earring the other day, ouch
today i saw the perfect mix of Adrian Grenier and Hyde. heelloooo dream guy or what????
i am cussing so much lately
i've realized that i've never hung out with my 4 closest friends all together before... they all know of each other but aren't friends. weird ey?
also last thing- is EVERYONE in a relationship now or what? everywhere i go i see like a zillion couples. also i hate when you start liking a guy but find out that he has a girlfriend what a cockblock seriously.