application for gargleblasted

Aug 10, 2010 09:09


Name: Bella
Are you over 16?: Most definitely
Personal LJ: luminousbeat
Timezone: EST
Other contact: AIM: pigomentosum; MSN:
Characters already in the game: N/A
How did you find us?: from your GORGEOUS Sync on dear_mun


Character name: Fon Master Ion (Original)
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Timeline: Two and a half years before the game begins. If you want an easier reading, at the part in the Ion Gaiden where he has about half a year left to live. Yes, right at that point.
Age: 11 ½
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: He can use Daathic fonic artes, much like his replica. However, unlike his replica, he doesn't immediately collapse after such things. However, he's weak from being replicated multiple times, and if he uses them too much he'll probably pass out.

He'll probably also pass out from sheer exhaustion, considering he's bed-ridden for the most part and strenuous activity does not make a sick person healthy.
How would they use their abilities?: He likes eliminating trash. That is, people. If someone either doesn't live up to his expectations, or tries to go against him/hurt him/hurt Arietta, you can bet they're probably going to get killed.
Appearance: Just like Ion. No, seriously. The only difference between them is that his dress robe is a little plainer and out of style. And he has... very unsettling eyes.

Doesn't he?

A little girlish-looking, a false smile, and unsettling eyes, coupled with some green hair and unmanly characteristics. He's a kid; what do you expect?

Background/Personality: If anything needs clearing up, let me know. I'm not the most articulate of writers at times. And things with him are... a little tricky, at times.

First and foremost, Tales of the Abyss takes place in a world where something called "The Score" is hailed like our Bible/Koran/Torah/Etc is hailed today in various religions. It was created by a Seventh Fonist named Yulia Jue, who is the Jesus/Mohammad/Abraham/Etc to our religions. It foretells up to two thousand years of the future, and it's generally hitting on spot. It's made of the Seventh Fonon, which are basically the planet's memory particles. So, the Score is the planet's memory. There are seven Fonstones, though the Seventh hasn't been found in forever as Yulia hid it.

Ion is the Fon Master - or was, should we see, because by the game's beginning he's dead and he has a replica in his place - which is something like the Pope, except he actually thinks. Widely respected, used to make neutrality treaties, and the only person who can read the Score fully. Two years before the starting point in the game is when Ion actually dies; three years, two months, and fourteen days (but who's counting?) is when he decides to hook up with Van, who's got this awesome plan about getting rid of the Score. Ion's all up for it, and here's why.

When he was but a child, some Scorers read that he was going to be the next Fon Master, so they took him from his family and set him up in Daath. There, he read the Close Score, which is only available to Grande Maestros and above, and read that he'd die when he was twelve years old. With this untimely death in mind, he began growing cold and hateful to the Score and to the people who blindly followed it in hopes of prosperity. It ruined his life by telling him his death, and he wanted to destroy it as well as the planet of trash (as he not-so-delicately puts it) that followed it.

He met Arietta through Van when he was eight or nine years old, and immediately took a liking to her because, as she was raised by monster, she had no idea what the Score was or why people followed it. He is the one who named her, who taught her how to talk and write like a normal human, and who taught her to act like one. He chose her to be his Fon Master Guardian (though a Fon Master has many, one is usually selected out of all of them to accompany him to daily things like royal coronations and such) as well, and through all of these experiences became genuinely close to her. She is the only person he shows any sort of remote affection to, by words or by actions, and it's only in private moments he allows himself to be that intimate about his feelings. One could speculate he shows as much affection as a person does to their pet dog; he calls Arietta his "pet" and treats her childlike mind like such, though this could be because she acts so much younger than she looks.

Because of his desire to destroy humanity, the Score, the world, etc etc etc, he's pretty happy to kill people. It isn't much of a chore for him to help Van get rid of faulty replicas (this only happens with the first one made, incidentally; he punched a hole right through its chest), or kill conspirators that hurt Arietta while she's protecting him, but he does mention that the blood is a little hard to get out of his robes. That being said, he only does it if allowed, and never in public because, simply put, he has a peaceful image to uphold. The Fon Master is supposed to be an icon of peace and prosperity, after all.

While it might never be in public, or even outright in private, Ion does sincerely think everyone who follows the Score is trash. He thinks himself as one of the worst pieces of trash as well, though not to be confused with those 'inferior beings' who can't do anything without relying on his reading of their Score, though he wouldn't admit it. His allies on the other hand aren't thought to be as big offenders to him as normal people, since they're helping him destroy the Score, and the only way to help cover up their plan is to make sure that he never dies. Cue fomicry (cloning!); he does die at the expected age, but he has a replica to follow after him. Luckily (or unluckily, if you think about it), this Ion's been pulled from about half a year till his death date.

This means he's still very sick. The replication process copies a person's fonons and is pretty stressful on the body. Ion went through seven of them until they found someone who could at least match his power, though their stamina isn't good, and as a result he ends up bed-ridden and locked behind closed doors, not even able to see his closest people. He's prone to the usual dying symptoms of coughing fits ending in blood, being pale and thin, losing weight rapidly and loss of appetite. Despite the fact he should be resting, he goes out and tries to pretend he's perfectly fine, at least for Arietta. It isn't as bad as it is when he's three months prior to his expiration date, but it's still hard on him.

It isn't a secret in the Order than he's sick, but the fact there are replicas might as well be for the small amount of people who know it. Even Arietta doesn't know that Ion is supposed to die, or that he's had replicas made of him, or that the highest rankings of the Order are in on it. He does have Van send her to train to be a God-General in preparation for her dismissal at his immediate deceasing, though she might not know why.

Why should that character be in this game: N/A

Why do you want to continue their history here: N/A

For applicants considering an alternate version of a character already in game, please use this as your chance to explain the key differences between your character and the one already in play: N/A

Have you read up on how the game works?: Yeah! The journals are a program called the FlamingFerret. They can be found at any and all computers on the Thor, and it can also be installed as a plug-in for your guide. You can earn money by doing missions, mooching off of other players, or stealing! Free-lance work like swindling people out of their money with palm-reading counts, right?

1st person sample: [The video's a little shaky, but Ion's smiling - the sort of false smile you put on when you're talking to a group of people you either don't know well or don't care too much about. In this case, both. And no, it isn't that the Guide's being shaky, it's him; he's in his bed currently, and looks a little pale. The pain's particularly sharp this morning, so:]

Good morning. [He waves a little.] I'd like to know if there is some place to purchase medicine on this... ship. It isn't for me, however. [A blatant lie, but hopefully they'll believe it. He can't look that bad, can he? Spoiler: He does.]

Something to get rid of pain is preferable.

3rd person sample: Ion awakens to cold, silence, and darkness. He almost feels fear clutch at him - had he gone before his time, even in this place? - before he reaches to the side and feels the smooth metal of the ship beside him. He closes his eyes again, breathes deeply, and slips out of the warmth and safety of his bed. He moves across the chilly floor and out of his room, shutting the door quietly with a click as not to alert anyone he's gone out. He sneaks from his house, shuts that door and silently as he can as well, and leans against it.

"A dream," he murmurs, then sets off barefoot down the halls.

Surely a walk could clear his head. He pauses in front of the closest elevator and furrows his eyebrows in slight confusion. They had something like this in the Cathedral - that is, something that could transport you up floors without stairs - yet it wasn't like this at all. While he had hated Auldrant, and the people that lived there, the technology (not fontech; never fontech, not anymore) that inhabited the ship almost made Ion wish for it all back. At least he knew how to use it then.

Ion sighs and drifts his fingertips across the cold surface, then drifts back to the hallways. He wouldn't get to back to sleep now, as awake as he was.

Questions?: Don't got any at the time~
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Yes! Of course. That's common courtesy, isn't it?


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