Aug 23, 2006 22:00
dude. typing that reminded me of the movie, the big tease o.o
but today! it was the first day back, and the school being stupid, decides to give everybody their schedules today. how confusing is that?
but anyways, i go to the front to make sure i'm in my PESOP class (1st per. at akron) and i'm not. i have TV studio! (which is fine by me b/c fahey is effin awesome, but still. i kinda went through a lot to get that damn english class!)
so i go to guidance a couple times and they tell me to come back later, so i just filled out a form. i go to wadsworth in the afternoon, so i would miss my last half of fifth period too. (and that period also happens to be fahey. this dude is everywhere o.O)
so i went down and told them i had to leave in half an hour and neeeeeded to get this solved before then, and i got instant counselor seeing happiness. :)
(joys of being persistant. and they now pretty much know me in the office cause of it >_<)
so we had to delete almost all of my classes and rebuild it in 30 min. it was actually fun~
so now this is what i have:
PSEOP eng.
drawing painting(1)/photography((2))(omgyay.)
study hall
free non existant period. (i'm a ghost student! :D)
media comm. (so fun)
i loves me my classes now :)
but i miss fahey ;3;