
Jan 10, 2017 20:42

The dish washer where I work is a Trumper.  As in, wrote, "Trump for president, Hillary for Prison" on his timesheet. He calls gay people "homos" and has actually (this very night, in fact), said the phrase "Obama should go back to Kenya". He could be convinced to change his mind, except that he doesn't trust major news outlets or minor ones. Only sketchy conspiracy theory sites. This is all obviously bad, but what makes it especially frustrating is that he, once a week or so, comes up to me (or one of my co-workers) to say something insane and usually bigoted. Finally tonight, after months of trying to ignore it, I told him that he wasn't going to convince me, that I thought he was wrong, that we shouldn't talk about it again. I think he got the message because he spent the rest of the evening looking at me like I killed his puppy, but knowing him he'll have forgotten (or "forgotten") tomorrow and I'll have to either listen silently, argue, or once again tell him to stop telling me his nutbag theories. Fun!

Add to that the two tables that mysteriously decided not to tip me whatsoever on an already slow ni, and I had a great night.


don't mind me just passing through, blather blather

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