Midwest Fur Fest!

Nov 22, 2012 14:22

Did I mention I was going to Midwest Fur Fest? Oh yeah, I DID!

I loaded up the truck (Taurus -- with beer) and moved to Beverly (Rosemont, IL) for the weekend to hang with numerous cool critters, learn new games (Lupus in Tabula) and drink new beers (okay, most of them were stuff I'd either had before or stuff I'd brewed myself). Didn't spend nearly as much time following Fursuiters around as previous cons because many suiters were just taking it easy this con or their suits were still in Lost Baggage Hell thanks to a number of airline problems that hit that weekend.

We took something like 10-12 gallons of homebrew from four different batches with us on the trip and many critters were impressed with it! We gotta start selling this stuff under the table or something, or at least host a Furry Homebrewers party room some time!

Recovering from Con Crud! Sinuses packed with yellow goopy stuff. MMmmmmm.... goopy stuff....

Okay, LiveJournal is being a butt about embedding videos, so I'll so it this way. Not MANY videos unfortunately, but it'll do! Like I said, not a lot of fursuit action until the final days.

It's long, it's kinda boring, it's required! It's the Fursuit Parade!
Fursuit Parade!

Who can't start their day without a little bit of cartoon violence? Nothing says "fun" like toony critters killing each other with a comically large mallet, only to have them bounce back up again! Just look out for the kilted enemies of fun: CON SECURITY!!! Oh noes!
Cartoon Violence, featuring AuraFox!

Nothing says "fun" like a bunch of toony critters crashing into each other, unless they are ALSO killing each other with comically large mallets of course, but this is mostly about crashing into each other. I didn't worry too much about capturing the individual subtleties of each variation of Tag these critters were playing -- it's just about the chaos...
Fursuit Games!

This was to be my FAVORITE video sequence, but alas, camera malfunctions galore! This is a small sampling of what happens when you go hyena hunting without a nerf gun...
How NOT to Hunt Hyenas!

That's it!
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