(no subject)

May 10, 2007 04:20

It's 4:30am, so I should make this quick right? But it won't be, like blogging always is for me, it'll be slow and tortourous...and fattening. I'm wondering if I should write down my deepest darkest fears, done that before. No, I will tell you my gas and hot water were turned off, I blame myself, I was a month and half behind on rent. I landed a new job, who would have thought it, me with a fairly ok salary at a decent place. It's called international house(of pancakes? No, and if you say that, I WILL find you), it's a very rich, and seemingly very private non-profit. I'm front-desk, nice place. The nasty breakup is finally over(if you ever see this, fuck off, you hurt me and you know you did, if you get hurt, I want you to go to the arizona desert and cry me a fucking river), I am well, haha. I'm waiting for Laurell Hamilton's next book to come out, if you're ever in the city, shoot me an email or something.
I saw Spiderman 3, apparently so did Paul Dini, difference is Dini was something of a jackass about the movie in his podcast. Sort of making fun of inside jokes and details. As Topher Grace once said "Don't be such a doochebag"

Good night,everybody.
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