Jun 02, 2004 22:57
Everything is happening so damn fast it's not even cool. things are decaying, things are rebuilding, everything is in limbo, I don't know what's going on, I don't really have a plan plan, but I have a general idea of what's going on. Kind of stressing me out. Oh well.
Is it sad that I'm looking forward to the provincial chemistry exam? T=Provincial exams are so easy. And chem 12 is a breeze. Come on now, Redox? It's numbers. It's all numbers. And it all sucks.
I've been really unproductive as of late, writing wise. I haven't written anything decent in a few months and I think I'm getting verbal constipation (bad analogy I know) and it blows. I'd really like to start writing again, but I think it's a lack of inspiration. I guess there's just nothing for me to write about.
I've been on a "Brainwave Generator" kick as of late. It's basically this program that has a set program of frequencies that your brain operates on and it kind of alters the way you think. I just use the sleep induction pattern because it seems to work somewhat. I've been using it before I go to sleep and been waking up more rested than the previous 9 months. it's pretty cool. I've yet to really test it out (like using it for like 4 hours straight... that's coming soon though).
I've been thinking a lot about moving to Quebec. I'm kinda scared, but more excited than scared. I mean, I'll have nobody, it'll be like I'm starting all over again. But it's not like I won't be in touch with any of the people from around here. If anything I think I'll be in touch with them more because I'll miss them so damn much. COmpounded with teh fact that Kayti is going to texas some time (<3) and yeah... other people who mean so much to me (you know who you are... LEE) I'm gonna be pretty depressed for the first few months. I can feel it.
Sleep induction pattern winding down now. Must sleep.