Oops, Apple did it again. Their big - dare I say huge - announcement this week is this beast you see here, the Apple iPod nano. Forgive me a shameless block quote:
Take everything you love about iPod and shrink it. Now shrink it again. With 2GB (500 songs) and 4GB (1,000 songs) models starting at $199, the pencil-thin iPod nano packs the entire iPod experience into an impossibly small design. So small, it will take your music places you never dreamed of.
The quick and dirty details: it's freaking small. It comes in white and black. It's thinner than a pencil and weighs 1.5 ounces. It's got a color screen and the all-too-useful Click Wheel. It uses the same 30-pin connector that every iPod accessory in the market uses. It has earphones on the lanyard.
The nano came hot on the heels of Apple making this big shindig about a "great new product" they were going to release. Seeing as it's still the king of the MP3 market and had no plans of stepping down from its pedestal, everyone was sure it was going to be an iProduct - specifically, an iPod video player. Much to everyone's surprise (and now, increasing lust and desire), the nano was born - and now actually replaces the mini, so if that's still on your wishlists, you might want to consider getting it soon, as prices on the now-defunct product will surely drop. I don't understand the reasoning behind this though - didn't they just rehash the mini? Ah, but this is coming from the company that only recently discovered the right-click, so I won't push the issue.
Is the world ready for yet another iPod? Given Apple's track record it seems they can do no wrong. But we shall see. Yes we shall.
Apple iPod nano