Splash Damage, one of the coolest company names I've heard and the people behind the celebrated Quake 3 Fortress and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory mods, has been quite busy. They are, after all, working on the Next Big Thing for multiplayer first-person shooters, taking a franchise with a an honorable history and getting it ready for the next generation of hardware and gamers. The product - Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. It's set in the Quake universe timeline as the prequel to the events that transpire in Quake II and IV, when the Strogg set Earth in their sights and prepare for assault. Players are to choose one of the equally imposing sides of this battle, a "class" that's shades of Battlefield/front and Team Fortress, and do battle on massive locales through a selection of weapons and vehicles. Sounds like a rehased theme that doesn't bring anything new to the table, but maybe I'll reserve judgement until I get my hands on the game and duke it out online some. A detailed article on the preview at Activision's office invite to select press is at the link, and offers some nice insights on the player classes, vehicles, and game engine in general.
Time to upgrade [PlanetQuake4.net]