First off, I'd like to thank everyone who has supported this blog since day one, from those who know me personally to those who found their way here through the magic and wonder of the Internet. For the latter, I'm really quite surprised at the response, because wow, you guys don't even know who I am; I'm just some schmuck writer from the backwaters of Asia with seldom witty commentary on stories already published elsewhere. I really do appreciate it, though, so I just thought I'd give everyone some updates on the story so far with Teknolohiya.
1. I know that I still don't have the LiveJournal Paid Account and domain, so please bear with me a little more. Money's been a bit tight lately, and what with debts and the stupid holidays coming up, I'm always pressed for dough. I really do apologize. Also, while we're on the topic of domains, I have a little itty-bitty concern - what would changing domains do to all the bookmarks leading to or Wouldn't it screw it all up and put me back on square one with my Google search rank?
2. Speaking of Google search ranks, Teknolohiya has steadily been making its way back to the top, and is now perched at a comfortable 3rd/4th place when you do a search for "teknolohiya". Sigh. I miss the top spot.
3. I now have a counter on the main page to track visitor statistics, yay! In line with my extremely strict policy of refusing to place a single unecessary element on my front page, it is, of course, hidden from view. I'll be publishing statistics whenever I hit posting milestones. Today's my trial run, and I was blown away when I saw the stats: over 150 unique visitors! That's incredible! I don't know how to thank you all for even just passing by.
4. Speaking of posting milestones, I'm creeping up on the big 300 - current post count is at 270, which gives me an average of about 90 posts per month, and three posts a day. Yes, I do have too much free time on my hands.
5. As for visitors, what would you as a visitor like to see more of on this blog? The next thing I'm introducing is a weekly editorial / opinion piece on significant movers and shakers in the world of tech, which I hope can see the light of day every Sunday. Is there anything else I should be working on, posting about, changing, removing, adding? You guys are the customers, so all of you have a big say in what goes on the site. I do this mostly for myself, sure, but I also aim to please, so do tell.
So that's it for updates. Comments are very, very welcome, so use the link for them liberally. Thank you again for your continued patronage, and I hope to give you more of the absolute best in computers, technology, and the Internet in the months to come.