May 12, 2007 21:02
So, ugh.
My feelings for that guy have calmed down quite a bit... I am still attracted to him, but it is no longer threatening my relationship with or feelings towards Cobi. So, today i went and got coffee with this guy and i just talked to Cobi on the phone and told him what i did today (he has been out at his parents house all day) and he freaked out.
Answer these questions for me people....
Does your partner have the right to dictate who you can and can not hang out with? And if they do, do i have to listen to that in order to be a good partner?
Tell me if this is fucked up, but this is how i feel about it:
I think that as long as i am secure in my relationship and know that i am not going to give into my sexual attraction, that i should be allowed to hang out with the person. I know that it makes Cobi feel insecure... He is going to feel insecure whether or not i hang out with this person and i am going to continue to hang out with this person. I am not only attracted to him, we get along, we're friends. I have very few friends at this point because i have cut them out of my life for various reasons. This guy and i have things in common and we like to hang out. We don't flirt, it's not all weird and blushy or any of that bullshit we kick it and eat chocolate and talk about photography.... That's it.
Oppinions please?