What is WRONG with people?!

Feb 27, 2008 08:41

What the hell is wrong with people nowadays?

A couple of my friends work at different banks in the area.  One particular friend of mine was telling me about this woman that came into her bank recently.  She's in often, comes in dirty and in stained shirts- every time she's in she brags about her "grandbaby."  Oh my this, oh my that.  So recently, the woman brought her daughter and grandbaby in to show it off since she's just so freakin' proud of it.

Her daughter-- IS IN THE 8TH GRADE.

Yes, you read that right.  What is that, 13 or 14 years old, tops?!  And this crazy bitch is just BEAMING with pride that her child gave birth.  WHAT THE HELL.  I agree with my friends-- at the 8th grade level, you should be at "second base" at best.  Granted, I didn't get that far until I was in high school, but WHAT?!  Now I know that if a girl gets pregnant with an unplanned pregnancy, most of the time the parents will have a change of heart toward the grandchild once it's born because seriously- who just doesn't love a newborn.  BUT-- at 13 years old?!  NO!

More in the 'what the hell is wrong with people' category, this entry from my friend
the_streets :

"I just  spoke with a woman who told me, unnecessarily, that the father of her granddaughter's baby is colored. No, he's half colored.

She was calling about getting insurance. Which shouldn't have anything at all to do with whether her great-grandbaby was a quarter colored or a quarter alien or whatever.

I would expect it from the south. She referred to the center in "Columbia' and so I expected Columbia, South Carolina. My voice betrayed my surprise when I asked her if she was in Columbia, Pennsylvania.

I don't know why, but ignorance, even in my line of work, still astounds me."

Seriously-- what is WRONG with people?!  I remember walking around Blueberry this past year and looking at all the pre-teen and teenage mothers.  I forget who was referencing what, but a recent high school graduating class had 26 pregnant girls in it.  I think we had one!  Maybe 2!  Do they seriously have not much else to do but have sex?!  People- seriously- READ A BOOK!  Play video games!  Do your damn homework!  I know it gets boring in the winter, especially since school has been closed for so many days due to flooding or snow, but for cryin' out loud!!  Go get in a snowball fight!  Go ski!  Take up a goddamn hobby!  If you really have to have sex-- invest in condoms, a diaphragm, birth control, dental dams, SOMETHING!  Criminey!  It's a surprise STDs aren't running rampant around here.

And don't even turn this around like I'm anti-children.  A good chunk of my friends have kids- but they're normal, responsible ADULTS who have the ability to care for their child(ren).  This nonsense with kids on shows like Maurey and Montel exclaiming "I want a baby and I don't care how many guys I have to fuck."  WHAT?!  You don't know what you're getting yourself into!!  You have to push a being the size of a football, bigger in most cases, out of your stomach region and through your vagina-- the stress of which can rip you from "hole to hole" (as we say)-- especially if your organs down there aren't fully developed- which, if you've JUST gotten your period, probably aren't.  This isn't a pre-marital sex post.  This isn't an unwed mother post.  This is a "children shouldn't be giving birth" post.

Normally here, I'd put more responsibility on the parents to teach their children, but apparently in my first example- that won't help.  My advice to you girls is THINK before you act.  Do you really want to care for a non-stop crying machine for the first 3 YEARS of it's life BY YOURSELF (because your boyfriend is sure is hell not going to stick around)?  Do you want to give up going to the movies or a football game on a Friday night with your friends because you have to stay home?  Do you want to put your OWN body at severe risk of permanent damage?

If you answered no to any of that- you have your answer.
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