Naruto Fanarts.

Apr 09, 2007 03:18

This is going to sound weird but I'm not here to bring new icons. XD Actually I made some fanart for my dear deuteron. She spoils me so much that I wanted to give her something nice in exchange. It's a SasuNaru fanart and I've been fighting with Photoshop for almost 4 days, so I hope she'll like it! D:

Title: I see nothing in your eyes.
Artist: tekla
Pairing: SasuNaruSasu
Rating: PG-13. Uh they're kissing and almost naked?
Note: This fanart is for my Korean chica deuteron. ♥ Tried to make Sasuke as impassive as he always looks in the manga, but it didn't turn out too well. Hmm, anyway I hope you'll like it? :Db

Title: I'm gonna save you fucker.
Artist: tekla
Pairing: SasuNaruSasu if you wanna see it that way, I guess.
Rating: G. It looks like they're fighting or something.
Note: This is quite an old fanart. I made and submitted it to y-gallery a few months ago. I'm posting it now because spazzlet saw it and encouraged me so much that I felt like dedicating it to her. :) Thank you for everything! *hugs*

That is all for now. I'm working on the icons for chapter 349, so see you again this week! 8D

X-posted to chuunin and sasuxnaru.


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