Dec 12, 2007 16:16
I have managed to break and then unbreak my program at least 4 times today. I say unbreak because honestly, the fix shouldn't have fixed it. I think the director is over the email verbal match we had yesterday, and frankly today I'm not sure if I won or if she did - however I think I got my point across, which is all I was trying to do.
I'm still in programming hell. However, in this mess I've managed to add some new features to this program that I've never done before, which I try to do in every project however I was anticipating doing it in this one due to the requirements and the time constraints.
Christmas is coming very quickly and I'm running out of time to finish up my loose ends. Chris has his football team coming over to the house on Saturday for a team BBQ of sorts (I say this because we aren't really bbq'ing, but we're not really having a "dinner party" either). I need to get prepared for that in addition to wrapping up my Christmas shopping and all.
I'll be off of work from December 24th through Jan 2nd. Not sure what I'll do that entire time, but I can say this much... I won't be programming! Ah shit. I lie, I'll probably end up spending a third of that time working anyway. Parents are coming the weekend of the 22nd and will stay until Christmas morning. After that.. FREEDOM! I think I'd like to take Nikkos to a few parks.
By the way, 76 degree weather does not feel like Christmas.
Oh yeah, I managed to totally screw up simple Banana pudding. I made it the other week and it was super-fabulous! This week however, more like banana cream soup. Not sure what I did wrong. I'll try again another day.
My eyes are bothering me, not sure if it's the super old contacts or something else going on. Will wait and see.
Ok. Must go back to work.
food & cooking,
a little of this & that