
Jul 14, 2010 15:31

It's a slow day here at work, so I figured I would hop on the old LJ and write something down. How inspiring.

Given how things have been recently, I'm happy to say that my stress levels have been going down quite rapidly. All my work deadlines have come and gone, now its just kind of cleanup and starting to get ramped up on the next project. Work stress = gone. My health results came back clean, and now having the exploratory procedures behind me is fantastic. Health stress = gone. The yard and house are shaping up nicely, plans are laid and I feel pretty good about em. House stress = managed. All in all, I'm edging in on being a stress free fox, how I should be.

Tomorrow the wuff and I will be picking up our new phones. I've just about had it with my iphone, as I can't seem to make calls anywhere, I get my texts about an hour after they are sent and despite the phone telling me my signal is great, I still can't seem to connect to anything. So I'm going to switch to Verizon with the Drioid X. Much wags. If anyone is looking for a iphone 3gs that has only suffered minor scrapes to the edge, I am looking to sell mine for cheap, just let me know.

This afternoon I've got my WOD, which so far has been absolutely fantastic. I think the hardest thing is telling myself that I need to lay off any significant weight and concentrate on form, making sure that I've got that down pretty well. So far the workouts have been intense, but awesome. Marathon training starts next month, so we will see how well those two things go together. The plan as of right now is to run the Seattle marathon over thanksgiving, and spend the time up there with A. ^.^

There seems to be a bit of a snag with respect to my AC set, but hopefully you will see it here soon. My apologies for that taking so long.

With that, tis time for me to get back to it!
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