
Oct 28, 2004 23:34

1. Who are you ( Read more... )

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Love Bunny who doesn't have a livejournal... tekan October 28 2004, 20:54:50 UTC
1. I am Brian
2. Yes
3. We've met about a year and a half ago, through a womanly-obsessed friend of mine.
4. You've made me see myself through your poems.
5. I think that you're A LOT like me on many levels.
6. Erm... Can'.t think of one at the moment.
7. I hope a LONG time.
8. If friendship is considered a form of love, then yes definatly.
9. No
10. No
11. Of course!
12. Your height..
13. The feelings I see in your poems.
14. Naw You're cool plenty.
15. I would answer, but I have yet to see a clear pic of you. Go ahead an send it if you're interested to know
16. Erm... 'Panther' because you tend to bite when being petted
17. Yus!
18. Year and a half about.
19. ..... mrew?
20. I thought there was something inside of you that you wouldn't feely show to unworthy people.
21. No, I've gotten a better understanding of you over the months of our friendship
22. I wouldn't know
23. I don't think so
24. Fable!
25. Conflicts with close ones.
26. Poetry.
27. My presence at times of need.
28. I don't know, you're the one who knows that answer
29. Seeing you right now
30. Not really, I'm pretty open with you
31. I don't think so
32. Stronger
33. Yes
34. No
35. Nothing
34. Don't have a live journal
35. No
36. Nothing, love you just the way you are


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