Apr 07, 2014 10:20

Моя подруга из России, опять приезжает в штаты, договариваемся встретиться в НЙ. 21-го по 26-е мая. Примерно в эти рамки. Хочу видеть всех в один из дней:). И опять стоит вопрос отеля. Где остановиться и будут ли там тараканы?:)

via ljapp

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pro_sha April 7 2014, 16:07:06 UTC
What is your budget?


tek_cat April 7 2014, 16:19:51 UTC
$200, but not sure it's realistic. She is proposing the YMCA hostel. Is it really bad?


pro_sha April 7 2014, 16:21:22 UTC
No idea
I am turning 40 next week so I am definitely out of the hostel stage :)


tek_cat April 7 2014, 16:34:06 UTC
Too funny:)). I have never stayed. I don't want to, but she is on a budget and wont go above $100.


pro_sha April 7 2014, 16:23:10 UTC
I guess if you are ready to stay at a hostel, I would just get something on priceline. You can say you want to pay $150 for example and choose a decent area of Manhattan. You should be able to get something IMO for that price.

And I would definitely prefer to share one bed with a friend in a good hotel than to stay at a hostel :)


tek_cat April 7 2014, 16:34:50 UTC
I don't know what a descent area in Manhattan is.


pro_sha April 7 2014, 16:54:53 UTC
Time to do some research :)

Actually Manhattan is broken down into many many parts on priceline. You could do Times Square or Midtown West or Central Park South or Upper East side for example


purple_monkey April 7 2014, 17:02:27 UTC
Pretty much anything near Central Park is decent :)


babushonok April 7 2014, 16:53:10 UTC
I don't think its bad. I heard good things about the one near the park.
I know YOTEL - but I think its above $200/night.
Midtown has many hotels - and makes things easier (although it is the craziest part of the city)


purple_monkey April 7 2014, 17:04:51 UTC
You don't want to be in a hostel if you are older than, say, 25 :) Look at priceline and, I'm sure you'll find something acceptable that will fit your budgets if you share. is also useful.


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