Funny things I love about my life here:
- I can hear my downstairs neighbour snoring sometimes. I find this absolutely, overwhelmingly, freakishly charming.
- Chatty little old ladies. I don't understand half of what they say, but they always make me smile.
- Boobs! For the first time in my goddamn life I don't feel like a freak. Everyone here has small boobs. In fact, I now not only give someone with dark hair a second glance, but boobs are weird enough that they warrant a second look. Seriously, you have no idea what a huge impact this has made on the way I feel about myself. Americans are like goddamn factory chickens, bred to be tit-heavy.
- Red shingles against blue-grey skies.
- The way the velvet night comes and wraps around you. After the first freaky couple of weeks of winter, it becomes sweet and comforting.
- The life in the streets, the lights, the hygge.
- The greengrocers and butchers on every corner.
- The fact that even for a gimp like me, cars are an unnecessary luxury.