Nov 21, 2012 13:43
I ran out of birth control about a month ago. In my thirties, I started getting first blackheads, and then cystic acne. The last bout I had with it crawled down my chest on a visit home, and boy, my family had a lot to say about how I looked.
I went to my dermatologist and she said "Hormonal changes are normal in your mid-thirties." Two scars from my last bout took a year to go away after I went on the prescribed birth control. We tried a few kinds until we found one that worked for me. Yasmin, or at least one of the generics.
I went to the doctor in Denmark today. It was very efficient. I called at 9 a.m. and the appointment was for ten a.m. The doctor told me "You're too old for birth control. You are old, you know. Anyone over 35 is old. And you're too old; I won't prescribe it. The risk of embolism is too great." She looked at my list of medical issues and said "You have a lot of problems." And then she would only write two out of my thirteen prescriptions, which cost me $70 that I can ill afford for a month's supply.
Ok Denmark, you've beaten me. I love you, but this relationship will not work out.
I would rather have a stroke than acne, yes. My life sucks SO GODDAMN much, and no one can fix the disease that's eating holes in my joints and making ulcers on my bowel and bladder, and cause horrible exhaustion and keep me from socializing and I CANNOT LIVE WITH BEING UGLY TOO.
I want to go home.
And fuck you, you dried up old hag. Just because you're about a hundred years old and no one has clearly had sex with you for a few decades, is not a good reason to REFUSE to prescribe birth control pills. I have other issues that make an IUD a REALLY FUCKING BAD IDEA, and you suggesting one to me makes me want to slap you for being so stupid.