11-01-07 Originally uploaded by
digitalis How do you motivate yourself to post photos that you take?
I love taking pictures, but I have the most awful time making myself post them. It seems like an awful bother. I hate flickr, but it does have nice social features, and I've discovered lots of wonderful photographers through it.
I'm thinking about this because I got a notice from flickr that I'm nearing 200 photos, and may have to pay soon. I'd really rather not, given that I already have a hosted domain, which would be cheaper, but a) I like the social aspects of flickr, and b) it's just so damn easy.
Even as easy as it is I rarely upload pictures. I'm going to make more of an effort, I think, if I decide to stick with it. Lately I've been having a hard time actually taking photos, but I'm working on that too.