Samir as a 2 wk old puppy

Feb 11, 2009 20:53

Sammy as a 2 wk old puppy
Originally uploaded by Tejas DinkarSo Dr. Cashus decided to play a cruel and unusual trick on me, by Tagging Me in the lastest blogging thing-a-majigy.

The rules state: Find the Sixth Picture in the Sixth Image folder, and blog about it. Quite simple enough, assuming that you have an Image folder. However, I do flickr, so I'm deciding to write about the sixth image I can see in my flickr account.

As luck would have it, the picture turned out to be a very cute picture of my dog as a puppy (no, I didn't plan for it :). This picture was taken roughly the time that we took the puppy in, when it could hardly move around.

And yes, my dog's name is Samir. No I'm not trying to disrespect ${Insert_Offended_Party_Here}. But Samir means the wind, and we found it a very appropriate name for the little dog.

Samir being a puppy brings back a huge set of memories, from the days when I was able to carry the thing (you know how Labradors grow). We used to feed him cerelac, and when he ate from the bowl, we had to hold his paws back, because he'd get over excited and jump into his bowl of milk. His belly would then swell up from all the milk, and he'd be too full to walk, and basically fall asleep right in the kitchen.

Now for passing on the baton. I'm choosing Suraj P, Sunayana, Shreyas, Anjali, The almighty Pradeepto, and His Royal Kalluness

meme, samir

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