Plagiarism Fail

Mar 20, 2011 10:34

It's enough to make a fail whale weep.

I'm sure most of you have already learned about this. Goodness knows many of you have contacted me privately. I am truly grateful and humbled by your passion on my behalf. Thank you all for your kindness, your attention and your outrage. I gotta say, though, when I followed the link the first person who contacted me provided, all I could do is laugh at the stupidity on display. For anyone who hasn't heard about this yet, put down any liquid you might be drinking because one can only laugh at this level of inanity.

The others have posted to their own LJs on this matter, and I'll add the links as I track them down again. sinfulslasher has reported the matter to stop_plagiarism. Plagiarist Found on FF.Net

So, this complete moron over at The Pit decided she didn't have enough drama in her life and posted four stories by various authors (including yours truly) claiming them as her own. Oh, let me share her bio... wonder who she stole *that* from?

And what did this shining example of a blithering idiot steal?

Geez, how stupid can one person be? LOL!! I mean, really! Worthy's only *the* most well read of my stories in this fandom and is there ANYONE in NCIS slash fandom who hasn't read xanthelj, taylorgibbs and webbgirl? (And if you haven't, run, don't walk to their work and read it *ALL*. :-)

When I mentioned this to my fella he got so pissed, which reminded me of something else. When people pull this kind of shit, most of us just laugh it off, take the necessary steps to have the plagiarized works taken down, the idiots banned and life goes on. Such is fandom. But one of the beauties, and the curses, of online life is that we get to meet and interact with so many different kinds of people. And we rarely ever get to know them in real life. The other three "victims" of this farce were lucky enough to meet up last month. They even called me on the phone to "taunt" me about it. LOL! We four know each other fairly well and know we're each pretty damned harmless... but what about the next time. The next person who gets tapped by one of these idiots may not be so harmless. And if not the author herself, what about her family or friends. There are some dangerous people in the world; people with more connections than scruples who may not take kindly to their daughter's, sister's, girlfriend's hobby being taken advantage of.

Be careful who you piss off online just to get attention. You may not like the kind of attention you end up receiving in the real world.

fandom meta, fic, the stupid it burns, life in the 21st century, plagiarism

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