I live

Aug 19, 2010 02:28

Once again, I'd like to thank everyone for their condolences and well wishes. It's been just over a month since my dad passed and while in some ways it feels normal, every once in a while it's like reality tilts for a moment and I can't quite figure out how it could be true. Those moments are getting few and far between, which is good.

I hate parts of my family and, frankly, if I never see them again, it'll be too soon for me. (The joys of funerals.)

My flist/reading circle is currently at "skip=OMFG!", which means I doubt I'll catch up. If anyone has anything cool they've posted, I'd love to hear about it in comments.

Writing has been, um, not happening, but I feel things starting to stir. I just reread Power Play and am still amazed that I actually wrote that. LOL! I find rereading some of my own stuff is often a good way to wake up the ol' muse. I've also got a couple of betas lined up. Betaing other people's stuff is another good spark for me... besides, it means I get to read shit sooner. :-)

Just wanted to touch base. I *hope* I'll be starting to keep up with this place, but you know what the road to hell is paved with. (Actually, based on the walk I took this afternoon, I'm pretty sure the road to hell runs right past my apartment and is concrete.)

writing, family, life in the 21st century

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