Is there anything more nerve wracking than waiting to hear back from your betas?

May 02, 2010 13:35

At least in the writing portion of life. Lots of other things are much more nerve wracking, but as I'm practicing being overly dramatic, I thought I'd go with it. (Still not seeing the draw of drama queen-hood, but I'll give it more time. There must be something to it given how many folks practice it, right?)

I got Worthy off to my betas around six this morning. They may be laughing themselves silly at this very moment and will throw it back in my face and tell me to never darken their doorways again, but hey, the draft is done. :-)

Oh, wait, did I ever talk about that here?

Worthy is the first story in a series of AU short stories. AU, you say? Yes, best of all it's going to cross both my fandoms eventually. Not so much cross overs (though that's a possibility at some point) as using it as an overlay for both NCIS and SG1. The first run of stories is set in NCIS. It practically writes itself. :-)

The AU portion of things is that shape shifters exist. They exist and live hidden among humans as humans... among other things. And, because I'm me, my notes file has a word count of almost 5k for a 12k story.

Stop laughing! :-)

But here's the thing. This is one of those stories that could get me vilified. Let's see, genderbending (which usually does nothing for me, but leave it to me to find a way for it *to* do something for me), I'm sure I'm doing shape shifting "wrong", I'm not a "real slasher", I'm "supporting eugenics", I must "hate women", I'm "advocating tyranny"...hmmmm... I'm sure there are other things. Maybe I'm bashing carrion eaters? No clue.

Do carrion eaters have much of a lobby online?

Anyway, now I'm going through all the post-draft stresses: Did that one scene make any sense? Was there enough support for that other scene? Did I leave any clothes in the dryer? Oh, wait, that's a normal non-writing stressy thing.

So, depending on what they say and how long it takes to fix it, I should be posting sometime in the next few days.

my fic, shape shifter, writing, ncis slash fic, sg1 slash fic

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