I live

Sep 19, 2009 13:08

Life has gotten bothersome. Nothing major, just haven't felt much like journaling. But, I'm sitting here on a Saturday afternoon and thought I'd catch up here.

The kid's dad picked her up to take her to her dance rehearsal (for a friend's Quinceañera) and to hang out for a bit. He's forfeited his weekends during this period since the practices are all on Saturday and opted to drive her back and forth instead. He ended up being a crap husband, but he's turned into a pretty darned good ex and works hard at being a good dad. I really can't complain.

We had Version 1 of a pot of beans last night. They were good, though not the best, but then the first night never is. I soaked more beans over night and now Pot O'Beans, Version 2 is on the stove. I've got a roast in thawing in the fridge that I'll cook up tomorrow and the remnants will end up in the beans.

The feline charity maternity ward is open. The last litter that someone dropped here didn't make it past their third day, poor little things. Classic failure to thrive. They didn't seem to be premature, I suspect Mom had issues. Happily, (okay, I'd rather they dropped them elsewhere, but since they're here) the current crop is hale and hearty (and a different mom). Time to spin the Wheel O'Kitten Homes again and find places for these guys. This mom is only a tad feral and maybe I can find someone to take her (and SPAY HER), too. She's very sweet once you get past her fear that you're going to eat her. I think she used to be someone's pet, but as too often happens, she was likely dumped and abused and now as much as she wants affection, she's just too damned terrified to accept it easily.

I should be using this time to write, but I feel like I've been beaten from the inside out. Nights of insomnia followed by coma-like sleep have me feeling more like death warmed over than anything else. I think I'll take a walk later and see if that helps.

cats, cooking, my kid, life in the 21st century, health

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