Walking and groceries and buses and stuff

Jun 05, 2009 15:27

In my continuing quest to use more public transportation and get more exercise, I walked and bused to two grocery stores today. The fact that the car's in the shop has nothing to do with this. :-) Kid went with me to the first one since we had some big stuff to schelp back. The other store is the cheap one and I more than made up for the cost of bus fare by getting some stuff there.

It's certainly getting easier than it was when I first started. I was reminded, yet again, that it's far easier to get back into shape than it is to get into shape for the first time. And while my knees are not amused, they're better sports about the whole thing than they used to be.

Kid just found out today that she can get some of her required community services hours (required to graduate from high school - not legal troubles ;-) by volunteering at the school library this summer. The library isn't open, but they're on text book duty. She starts on Monday where she'll learn how to repair textbooks. I'll go with her to show her the ropes on the bus route (two transfers - joy) and see if she feels confident to do it herself on Tuesday. I have to remember that I got used to riding the bus when I was older than she is and then I was only going about four miles to a friend's house without transferring. Whenever I went farther, I was with my friend and we still didn't have to transfer to go downtown to shop. So, I guess I can see her reluctance.

I need to start the chili. I just wish I'd already thawed the meat. *headdesk*

food, rl, health

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