Apr 12, 2009 03:14

The other day I took a fall. Fortunately, it was in the hallway in my apartment so I didn't embarrass myself in front of half the city (been there, done that, stopped traffic ;-). I landed *right* on the knee with the torn cartilage, pulled a muscle in my calf, banged the hell out of my elbow and whacked my head on the bed frame that lives in the hallway (don't ask).

Now, the odd thing was that my knee had been bugging me of late. The tear sometimes 'folds', as my doctor put it, and it hurts like hell when it does that. It usually doesn't last long and we'd both agreed that surgery would be overdoing it at this point. Post whack, the *inside* of my knee suddenly felt *great*! Apparently it flattened out the tear and the Ben Gay and Excedrin reduced the swelling.


The *bruise* is finally coming up. It's one of those bone deep bruises that's taken days to make it to the surface and *that* hurts like hell. It never fails, too, that I whack it several times a day. I'm kinda like a human pinball. I'm used to sort of bouncing off whatever flat surface is around me and ignoring the resulting bruises. Yes, I'm a klutz. My ex used to worry that I'd go to the doctor and she'd think I was being beaten because I'm always bruising myself and could rarely remember *how*. So, yeah, I got his point; it always did sound pretty lame. :-)

"How did you get that saucer-sized black bruise on your thigh? "

"I have no idea, doctor."


"Really, I don't remember."

"You know you can always talk to me."


So, now I'm sitting here and I just whacked my knee on the table leg and it STILL HURTS! I've got a high pain threshold but *this* is killing me. If there'd been swelling, I'd've figured my knee was broken. But since the swelling that *was* there went down, I don't think the bone is damaged, though I am beginning to believe it may be bruised.

Whine, whine, whine. *sigh*


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