Happy New Year! (Almost)

Dec 31, 2008 23:16

It's only just after 11:00 and we're ringing in the New Year with the Twilight Zone marathon (don't look at me like that ;-). We're both sitting here, laptops at hand, playing Zuma, watching horror movie trailers (courtesy of riverfox) and preparing to toast the demise of 2008 (die, you bastard! DIE!) and ring in 2009 (it's GOT to be a better year).

And what, pray tell, will we be toasting with?

Champagne, of course.

Yes, the kid is now 15 and this will be the first year she's had bubbly. She was at her dad's last year and he's a fuddy-duddy. I'm a firm believer in introducing kids to alcohol in the home, under controlled conditions and removing the mystery. Besides, she's *15*. While I didn't drink underage, I only had to wait until I was 18 to be legal. I don't know if I'd've been able to hold out if I knew I'd've had to wait until I was 21. So, she can learn about it at home and, when temptation rears it's ugly head, she can say, "Please. If you don't have a decent Shiraz in there, why bother?" :-):-)

Um. On the other hand, some of her buds are well off.

This could backfire a tad.

I'll risk it. :-)

Almost Happy New Year!

my kid, holiday

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