May 30, 2011 01:30
I was going to post a journal about how much I suck at updating my journal...but then I realized that this is a journal for me. I can post whenever I'd like to. There is no set rule to when I post, or how often I do. <(good excuse for not posting in a long time.)
L-L-L-L-L-L-L-Liiiiiiiisssssssssssst time!
Reasons why I love life (the mushy lovey-dovey version);
1. Lars. He is the most amazing person in my life right now. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. Plus his kitties are pre-tty awesome.
2. Paul. I think everyone needs a friend like Paul. He's the kind of person that doesn't force me to live up to foolish expectations. Like "fighting for our friendship". I could move away and not worry that we couldn't be friends because lack of communication or the distance between us.
3. Most of the people that I've met in the past year, some more than others. I've met a lot of pretty cool people in the past 2 years. I really appreciate the ones that have become good friends to me.
Reasons why I love life (the straight-up legit version);
1. In the past month, I have acquired 5 new pairs of shoes, and a LOT (and I mean alot. HOe-oh boy) of new clothing. Which I probably didn't need. BUUUUUUT I LOVE SHOPPING. GAH. It's sick. I'm sick. I NEED HELP. Shopaholics anonymous. NBD.
2. I cut off all my hair! Woohoo, I'm sew talented ;D ;S ;) ;P
3. Pokemon.
Things. To-do like listy things;
1. Vegan-ism! But not for animals. I don't believe in not eating animals or eating their delicious by-product. I just wanna try sumtin new ;)
2. Get out to BC for the summer. I miss Lars!! He's so far away :( I need to be in BC with him right naow.
3. Take power engineering. LYKE SRSLY. I keep saying that I will do it, or get around to emailing that teacher. But I haven't, so maybe putting it on a list will give me the incentive to do so.
On another note. I HATE SHIT! Not literal shit. But bullshit shit. I am so sick of girls telling me that I need to "fight" for our friendship, or to put in more effort. It's just as easy for me to say the same thing to them, but apparently my lack of using a telephone is because I don't care enough (bad Teiza!), whereas they lack the ability because their brains have magically turned to mush and their common sense has jumped out of a plane to a very splattery death. Why can't girls just relax. They have insanely high expectations. And they like to fight too much. The movie fight club is actually based off the trials and tribulations of my life, but artistically displayed in a much more physical form. ARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH. Not to say that all girls are bad... I'm really only referring to the 'best' friends I had managed to get myself stuck with over the past 5 or 6 years. I hate remembering all that. I'm so angsty.
Yay for me playing Pokemon again after a 2 month hiatus.
Yay for the movie bridesmaids.
Nay for Valkyria Chronicles not working ;(
But yay for me using the returned monay to buy a new sweater haha.