Things are looking up!

Nov 12, 2009 01:45

Hello wonderful livejournal friends =)
I am falling behind in keeping up with all your entries! Reason being...I got a new job, kind of. I started working with my dad recently, and the hours are quite long so I've been away from the computer for a while. However, to those of you that are also friends with me on Deviantart, I'm still fairly active there because DA is one of the only sites I can actually access using my phone.

Regardless, I plan to catch up on commenting and replying tomorrow! All 30 some entries ;D

Alright, so what I've been up to whilst not working...
I recently saw both Zombieland and A Christmas Carol! Both very funny, AND although very different, both had me screaming and jumping out of my seat. (I'm sort of a wimp with anything horror-related. )
Of course you may be wondering why A Christmas Carol had me hiding behind my I said before...wimpy. The third ghost always creeps me out!

I also went to a birthday party yesterday. The girl I'm tutoring just turned 12, so her family invited me out for dinner. I had a lot of fun! It's been so long since someone invited me to a party where goody bags are handed out, and crafts are made!

This is a picture of said craft! They're styrofoam snowmen haha, I made the one on the right, and my sister made the one on the left. If anyone can guess what she based her snowman on, I will forever virtually praise you. Although it shouldn't be too hard...

Speaking of virtual praise! I increased my nerd points recently by posting a sign on the outside of my bedroom door that says;  "YOU SHALL NOT PASS" Thumbs up for channeling Gandalf. My points are now OVER 9000 ;)
To sort of continue with the subject, otafest lite is this weekend! I'm so stoked! I hope I find the time to make my Tezuka shirt before then.

I'm off to bed now, I need to be up in 4 hours...
BUT before I go, I want you guys to answer a question for moi:

What is your favorite "fake" food? 
By fake, I mean anything overly processed, just plain unhealthy, or filled with...weird fillers.

Mine at the moment is dehydrated mashed potatoes...I love the add water convenience! Although they're probably going to kill me one day. And McDonalds. I'm really not a healthy person...I should work on that.

Anyway, let me know :)
I look forward to reading all your journals tomorrow.

Chow *winkface x 10*

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