Aug 01, 2008 11:48
For quite some time the metaphorical "House" existed in Second Life. Me and mine had a virtual house we congregated at. There was a certain physicality and coziness to it that was nice. Felt very much like people were mingling, and "stopping by" and such. Pets would bring their pets by, friends would bring friends, etc... Sure there was lots of trancing and hypnosis going around, but also just a lot of random idle chatter. One of the nicest things was how well everyone got along, this was (and is) a core thing I look for in a submissive. It's not enough for them to mesh well with me, they also need to get along with their 'sisters' and 'brothers.' This has circumvented a fair bit of drama, and kept me freed up to make sure everyone was having fun and getting the programming they needed/wanted ;)
For various reasons, the family is basically all on yahoo now, some of them still frequent SL, but there is no real unifying locale there anymore. Even without a place to call home most everyone keeps in touch with me at the very least, and usually one or two others. It's also nice, but a different dynamic, and I often find myself updating various pets on the activities of my other pets. It's fun to have stories to share with everyone, but it's more fun when everyone can get together.
So what am I going to do about it? Well, glad you asked (well Sg asked, and I've answered her already, but I'll put my thoughts here for posterity anyway :P). There are several ways to go about this. Could just do a message board, but that lacks the immediacy of chat. I've been toying with the idea of a chat room, we could go old school and set up an IRC channel. While I do have fond memories of Irc from back in the day, I think a web based chatroom would be more ideal. Maybe there is a way to bridge the two and have an easy way for people on yahoo and SL to communicate with one another. Maybe just maybe there is a way to get the best of both worlds hmmmm...
second life,