Sep 23, 2007 07:08
So problem number one.
I have abosolutely nothing to do for a month because I'm off school.
Problem number two.
I have to teach English to some kids at some school somewhere twice a week.
Problem number three.
I'm being forced against my will to learn the stupidest form of dance ever created. Traditional Thai dance. I hate the dance. I hate the clothes. I hate the make up. I hate the music. I hate IT.
Now I know this is going to sound like complaining and I bet people are going to tell me to get over it and have fun, but I don't want to. I'd understand if I'd never tried it, just watched it or something, but I tried it. I actually tried it. Mom is all "You're acting like a spoilt rotten brat." Because I hate the stupid dance.
I should have a say in what I do or don't do shouldn't I. But no. Rotary say 'all of the students in this club have to learn to Thai dance. No exceptions"
It pisses me off. All because they want us to show off something at the stupid District conference.
Fuck, I hate people sometimes.
Now I have absolutely nothing to look forward to, because I have to teach English, an learn to dance.
I like dancing, I just hate being forced into things, especially things I already know I don't like.
I'm done ranting for now.
fucking dance