Oct 21, 2010 18:32
Okay, I found a poem on my harddrive that I completely forgot that I had. I wrote it almost three years ago and had just discovered why I had forgotten about it.
I insanely dislike how it goes together. It's only three stanzas and each stanza is like a puzzle piece, each of which are completely different and don't fit. And it's like I just tried to make them fit and it just didn't work. It doesn't flow.
I came up with the final stanza first and wanted something to go around with it. I played around with it at work and it seemed to be the best I could come up with.
If that's my best, well then . . . fuck me.
Two pieces that remained;
the lie and the forgotten truth
You only left those two pieces
Then you took the lie away far from here
The bell will toll and a tear will follow
distressed and slow
A toll for each silent tear
Where the bell will never cease, painful to my ears
Then you will sit back and listen
to the bittersweet symphony
That is my breaking heart
Leaving me only a puddle in which to wallow