I'm looking for help with an idea. Specifically, I need a idea for a hero in my upcoming Mutants and Masterminds game.
(If you don't know what that it, its a superhero RPG.)
See, I've been helping out
ziabandito555 out a lot lately, and he's writing a book about furry superheroes. (Okay, so it's kinda several books now whatever.) And while i've been having tons and tons fo fun doing that.... it's made coming up with a human superhero for my M&M game that's interesting very hard.
SO! I'm outsourcing this to the Intertubes. Bring me something interesting!
The setting is 1980's San Fransisco. The only other character in the game so far is The Comrade, an ex-Soviet Scientist who defected to the USA because Russia is no longer looking out for The People. She is crazy mad science at it's best.
The template I'd like to play? A paragon style hero (Think Superman/Wonder Woman). Possibly a star spangled hero even. But I haven't gotten the hook yet to make that Interesting.
Throw me some random ideas here folks. Anything, throw everything at the wall and we'll see what sticks. Though honestly any idea that isn't a Speedster, another inventor, or Multiple man will help. (All are previous characters and repeating is no fun.)