If anyone's interested, snagged from
svgurl. :)
Comment and I will comment back with a picture of the fictional character that most reminds me of you. Then post the same in your journal.
And another one...
Comment with any ship (romantic or platonic or maybe even non-existent!) from a fandom that you know I have some knowledge about, and I will rant
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You're pure awesome, funny, crazy, silly, fun and did I mention awesome? :) You have a wonderful imagination that we're all lucky enough to benefit from.
My reasons for shipping Chloe and Neal are pretty simple. I can easily see Chloe fitting into the White Collar world (althought she fits in anywhere--she's a fandom chameleon!) They're two of the most prettiest people. I love the way Neal loves. He's a hopeless romantic. He'd do anything, go beyond reason, for the girl he loves. And Chloe's similar, in the way that she's all in. I think they'd really be good for each other. And they'd be incredibly sexy ;D. Also, because of your amazing fic, I need Chloe and Mozzie's friendship in my life.
Chloe is totally a fandom chameleon, it's the reason that I have about fifteen crossover fic's, all involving Chloe on my hard drive at the moment. Neal's heart kills me, the way he is about Kate (who I don't care for), Peter, Elizabeth, June, Mozzie, I just...it kills me and we all know Chloe's heart is too big for her own good.
I think that I could die happy just as long as I had my very own Mozzie and my very own Bart. That's all I need. I mean I wouldn't say no to an Oliver or a Neal but if I had the other two I wouldn't need them.
Oh and because you're so awesome I just had to return the favor and tell you who you remind me of:
Q from James Bond....now hear me out before you get insulted.
You are ridiculously smart and talented and some of the things you come up with literally blow my mind sometimes but the biggest thing is, if I ask for it, you can make it and make it better than anyone else, even if my request is ridiculous. Plus you do it with a smile and a graciousness that just always makes my day. And you've never not been there for me. No matter how big or how small the project, when I ask you always answer and for that I love you.
Insulted?? Are you kidding? I love Q! My mom loves Q! Whenever my family's all together, whatever mood we're in, a James Bond movie is something we always agree on. Thank you for making my day now. You know, just like you, I'm not so good with accepting compliments. It's very, very easy to be there for someone as kind and supportive and wonderful as you.
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