Jul 25, 2005 19:56
Yeah. I haven't updated in a long time, but I could use an advice outlet that's mostly out of the prying eye of drama queens.
So please people, tell me honestly, am I in the wrong here? The kid I was dating's SN = BackT0TheBasics, and mine = TrickyLikeANinja.
Thanks in advance.
TrickyLikeANinja: you kissed aarons ex last night?
BackT0TheBasics: he kissed me
BackT0TheBasics: yeah
BackT0TheBasics: well either way, there was a kiss
TrickyLikeANinja: when were you going to fucking tell me about it
BackT0TheBasics: when I actually talked to you, not on the phone
BackT0TheBasics: I don't say things like that over the phone
TrickyLikeANinja: waiting for me to find out from aaron isn't the best way
TrickyLikeANinja: and according to drama queen, you're hanging out with the same kid tonight
TrickyLikeANinja: and you were with him until laaate last night
BackT0TheBasics: actually, hanging out with sabrina
TrickyLikeANinja: yet you told me erica
BackT0TheBasics: I did go out with erica
BackT0TheBasics: erika**
BackT0TheBasics: doesn't mean I was alone with the kid
BackT0TheBasics: ..
TrickyLikeANinja: and you KNOW i have a hard time trusting people
BackT0TheBasics: I know
TrickyLikeANinja: you just threw it all away, chad
TrickyLikeANinja: how would you expect me to gain trust in you now
BackT0TheBasics: I don't know.. I didn't know that would've thrown it away
TrickyLikeANinja: you kissed another guy WHILE we were dating
TrickyLikeANinja: after telling me "i dont cheat, you can trust me, etc etc etc"
BackT0TheBasics: you said we weren't dating
TrickyLikeANinja: bullshit
BackT0TheBasics: no, you did
BackT0TheBasics: you said we're "unofficial
BackT0TheBasics: "
TrickyLikeANinja: because we arent actually boyfriends yet
TrickyLikeANinja: we're just dating
BackT0TheBasics: I thought you meant we weren't officially dating
TrickyLikeANinja: if you were unsure, why didnt you ask
BackT0TheBasics: I wasn't unsure
BackT0TheBasics: I thought it was that
BackT0TheBasics: never questioned it being something else
BackT0TheBasics: thought you didn't want a relationship maybe
TrickyLikeANinja: yeah, thats why i tell you how much i like you, and how i miss you
TrickyLikeANinja: when you dont even say the same thing back half the time, and kiss other guys when im not around
TrickyLikeANinja: and you KNOW i have trust issues, ive been cheated on, and yet you do it anyways. total disregard for any of my feelings
TrickyLikeANinja: so how the fuck am i supposed to feel chad?
BackT0TheBasics: kiss other guys? it was one kiss and it was completely innocent
TrickyLikeANinja: yet it bothered you when aaron kissed other guys and girls
BackT0TheBasics: I didn't go and make out with him
TrickyLikeANinja: by your own admission
BackT0TheBasics: he made out with them
BackT0TheBasics: there's a difference
BackT0TheBasics: and we were boyfriends
TrickyLikeANinja: then why would you say dating means "hands off other guys/girls", i said the same thing, and kiss someone else
BackT0TheBasics: I didn't know we were dating!
BackT0TheBasics: I didn't know
TrickyLikeANinja: well if we were originally, then all i said was we werent official, what wouldve changed?
BackT0TheBasics: that's why I felt uncomfortable whenever your friends would be like "oh, his boyfriend"
BackT0TheBasics: cause I'm not
BackT0TheBasics: we weren't dating though
TrickyLikeANinja: so what did you think we were, fuck buddies?
BackT0TheBasics: no
TrickyLikeANinja: WE WERE DATING! remember when i asked you if you'd like to start dating, and see if we could make it official after a while?
BackT0TheBasics: I said yeah, but I didn't know that was you asking me.. I thought that was you asking if I'd be open to it
BackT0TheBasics: I even told sabrina that same thing
BackT0TheBasics: I told her we might end up dating
TrickyLikeANinja: know what the icing on the cake is for me
BackT0TheBasics: what
TrickyLikeANinja: i was planning on asking if you'd like to make it official if things were still going well when i got back from Mass
BackT0TheBasics: did kevin just call you?
TrickyLikeANinja: yes, very funny
BackT0TheBasics: no, he tried to call aaron
BackT0TheBasics: aaron is trying to call to talk
BackT0TheBasics: I told him I'm not talking to him to get screamed at
TrickyLikeANinja: well he needs to quit calling me
BackT0TheBasics: sorry, I told him to stop
TrickyLikeANinja: i'm glad this is fun over at your place
BackT0TheBasics: now see why I can't stand him?
BackT0TheBasics: who the fuck said it's fun?
TrickyLikeANinja: you're brother is calling me asking for erin
BackT0TheBasics: aaron
BackT0TheBasics: he hit redial
BackT0TheBasics: aaron was the last person to call here
BackT0TheBasics: he's dumb like that, thought it would call him
BackT0TheBasics: no one's laughing
BackT0TheBasics: I yelled at him and told him to stop, he hasn't called back, has he?
TrickyLikeANinja: no
TrickyLikeANinja: so if you were in my shoes right now chad, what would you do? what do you expect me to do?
TrickyLikeANinja: im really curious
TrickyLikeANinja: take your time, chat it up with everyone else
TrickyLikeANinja: after all, we're not "dating", so i'm last priority
BackT0TheBasics: I never said that
TrickyLikeANinja: you didn't have to say it
TrickyLikeANinja: your actions said it for you
BackT0TheBasics: don't be like this
TrickyLikeANinja: what am i supposed to be like?
TrickyLikeANinja: ecstatic?
BackT0TheBasics: I honestly didn't think you were like this... you think I made out with him? sucked his fucking dick? I didn't do anything, one fucking kiss, he kissed me once, and.. well, I gave him a hug when he left, didn't think that was something wrong
BackT0TheBasics: it was a one handed hug, that's the extent of the affection I showed him
BackT0TheBasics: of all people to believe, you believe aaron before me.. Thanks.
TrickyLikeANinja: you didn't know i was like this? chad, i told you multiple times before it's so hard for me to trust guys, i've been screwed in the past, i'm insecure and sensetive to the whole prospect of cheating
TrickyLikeANinja: if i believed aaron i would've accused before i asked. if you'd scroll up you'd see i asked, and aaron was 100% correct, and you neglected to tell me
TrickyLikeANinja: so in fact if YOU cared, you would've told me before someone else had the chance to
BackT0TheBasics: IF I cared I would've told you in person, because I'm not a coward who hides behind a computer screen or phone
BackT0TheBasics: I'm sorry I'd rather say things to your face
TrickyLikeANinja: but let's not forget this isn't the first time you cheated... you did the same to aaron, with the same excuse of "we're not technically together". if that's what you say to yourself to help repress your guilty feelings, then have fun saying it to someone else.
TrickyLikeANinja: you hurt me quite deep
TrickyLikeANinja: and i don't give people chances to hurt me twice
After this I blocked him, and have no intention of unblocking him.