Feb 07, 2005 10:58
Fuck my CD burner. Fuck it in the ass. F it in the A, whatever.
I burned my homework onto CD to print at the library, since I have no printer at home (I'm poor, leave me alone!) One of the files showed up, the other didn't. Odd, I know I burned them both on there correctly. Okay, took the damn CD home and re-burned the correct files on there this time. I KNOW I didn't finalize it, and the files I wanted burned correctly. Threw the CD in my folder, took it to the comp lab at school... what the fuck, it's still the same two files from yesterday, one of which is my fucking resume... no English Comp 1 homework, and no Short Stories 1 homework. Son of a bitch, watch me get graded down now.
Anyone have any idea what the hell could be going on here, because I'm clueless. Viewing hidden files is checked, I burned the non-finalized CD with these files twice now, each time my computer reported the CD burned fine. I took it to two different computer labs, one at the library and one at CCRI, and neither one is listing the files I need as even being on there!
Argh help me plzthx~